Account Wide Ignore on Forums

I would have to look it up on google - you can do the same.

Blizzard had information back in November/December of 3 years ago? I believe in the API section of one of these forums - maybe it was bnet section.

Undermine journal did not change their website to remove names just because they felt like it.

here’s a start for you

14. Does the Right of Erasure affect my entire 3 account?*

Yes. If a player were to invoke the Right of Erasure in order to remove any of their player data from Blizzard’s servers, it would apply across all Blizzard games.

For example, if you simply did not want your player data for World of Warcraft publicized or shared with any third-party sites, invoking the Right of Erasure would also mean that your Diablo, Starcraft II, etc., data would also be removed from public view. There is no option to simply remove data for a single franchise/game.

that bit is interesting - wonder what would happen on the forum if someone asked for that.

No, I found the thread on that on Twitter. They did it because of the EU GDPR regulations. They were unsure if character names fell into “personal data” and did not want to even mess with it so removed them.

It was a choice made to be on the safe side. They did not have to, they wanted to.

This particular sub discussion the UJ fellow points out he really does not know, so it just being safe.

Very interesting… Wonder if this is EU related though so that they have one set of rules/softeware across the board.

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nah that is from 2018 - the California law and changes were 2019.

And neither would you.


On desktop yes, not so much on mobile.

Is this even happening? I often see people accusing others of alt posting, typically with little to no proof though.


a few people do that but I personally can’t see a big issue - it doesn’t happen often and there is no big impact when it does.

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There is a post on the CS forums that the moderator there confirmed that alt posting very rarely happens as they’ve confirmed them-self. To answer your question; no it’s not happening.

I can’t really agree with you on this because of the proof that the forum moderator gave in this thread: How to report a forum troll

Scroll down to post # 21 from [Vrakthris]. That’s all the proof we need to confirm that alt accounts aren’t a problem.

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funny because if this was to ever happen the forums will end up only having 3 cc members sharing pics of cats.

This is a change that is long overdue. Either change it to have a forum avatar that is one per game account or use the battletag. The other forums do it, why the WoW one doesn’t I have no idea as it makes more sense than any of the others.

When I post a comment on wowhead my btag name is used (minus any numbers). In my years of doing that nobody has ever been able to use it to harass me, because they cant. Its time for a change to strengthen the sense of identity and reduce the amount of harassment by alts that goes on here.


Yeah well said. I’m sure it happens, but I’m not sure that it happens with any sense of regularity and honestly, who really cares?

That’s pretty much what I figured. Accusations of alt posting usually boil down to the other person trying to minimize feedback and concerns. In most cases, I’m assuming, it has zero bearing on reality.


It’s fine as is.

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I mean, is that such a bad thing?


Really though posting on Battletag nickname is what all the other Blizz forums do and it works just fine.

I like the idea of one char too, but a lot of us like to alt hop so maybe that would feel odd. I had to pick one posting char years ago though, and it has not killed me.


You don’t even need to show the entire numeric portion of the battletag. The name and two numbers should be enough to show if anyone is faking it with alts, and without the full battletag it would be impossible to even get requests.

Well said. This is almost exactly what the forum moderator mentioned there. The forums are a place for open discussion. If I could give advice to OP: ignore threads from users they don’t like instead of asking for moderators to take action on specific users.

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faking what ?

Does it matter if people use their alts to prop up their own posts? Just because a post appears more popular doesn’t mean that the quality of said post changes.

Just stop with the conspiracies and treat everyone as if they are new and different people. Your conversations will be a lot more productive that way.

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I’ll agree to that, the forums need more pictures of cats

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When people use alts to agree with their own opinions on topics. I used to use a browser addon that showed people’s alts, and it was surprisingly common.

No they can’t. Here’s a post I made today to show how you are wrong here.

Perdue is the name associated with my btag. Without the numbers attached you can’t add me. If someone wants to go through X permutations of that I guess they could find you? But then you just add them to ignore.