Account Wide Ignore on Forums

I just want to be able to block another forum poster without having to view their profile.

If they hide their profile, I can’t block their posts.

I’ve actually not bothered to block anyone in a long time because half the time they hide their profile and make it impossible to block them.

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but what about the transmog threads?

I would say if you’ve blocked them, it should block requests from them as well. That might be a limitation of the forum system they are using though, I don’t know.

can’t you just add them manually to your ignore list in preferences?

You actually can block them. Put their name plus server name-servername with a dash between them in notepad, copy it, open up your preferences. Go to the users section of preferences. Select ignore, there is a field to paste the name in. Use that and enjoy.


How is a request abusive? Delete it, ignore it, whatever. They can’t talk to you.

It works fine on other forums.

Then that’s their personal issue and they can delete the user after reporting them if something unsavory happens.

I don’t understand what you’re saying here. Nor do I understand why people are hiding behind alts that this is somehow an “unmasking.”

You can go into your own settings, go to users and ignore them that way.

there was an discussion on I guess the old forum prior to the rollout because I remember people making a fuss about the idea.

nah - I am on here a lot and I just don’t see that at all. You think people being able to identify you doesn’t cause forum disruption and accusations. Some people go out of their way to stalk someone’s posts and try to pick apart whatever they say - all your suggestion would do is make that easier to do. In fact, blizzard actually broke an addon that did exactly what you want because it was causing problems. You think there wasn’t a bunch of accusations on the old forum with that stalker addon?

And false flagging is just not an issue that is going to be fixed by this. False likes, just who the heck cares… likes mean nothing at all. Especially when you have discord groups of people who will like all the members posts no matter how silly or trollish they are.

If blizzard thought this was an issue that needed to be fixed to save themselves work that wouldn’t cause all sorts of other problems they would have done something long ago.

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I hear you, but I have been posting as a green MVP since 2013 and I started with the Diablo forums. Esp back then, it was a VERY toxic place. You would think with a giant target on my back, saying things people might not want to hear, that I would get a ton of Bnet friend requests. I can say that I absolutely don’t, and that you can’t put a note on the request so nobody can sneaky send text to you that way. If you don’t want to friend someone just ignore it - don’t even dismiss it. Then it won’t show up as new over and over.

I will. Cogshanks. It was fantastic. I was extremely sad when it went away. They would also remove your listing if you were legit being harassed, but not if you were using alts to troll the forums. It was pretty obvious with Cogshanks that the alt hopping for funsies and drama is pretty common.

This I agree with too.

My issue with the sock puppet alts is that we get 5 flags a day. That is it. People can have up to 400 (or with Classic 1200?) alts per Bnet account if they have all 8 game licenses. There is no way for one poster to ever have enough flags to report all the alts and the mods see those as separate, not one account (as far as I know). We don’t have a means to put a note saying there is a pattern of behavior for the mods to deal with.

You can Ignore them. Go to your own Activity > Preferences > Users . Ignore and there is an Add list there. Start typing the name and it gives you auto fill options. Make note of the name - server. If you need to, just click their avatar or hover over it to see it in the website preview or address line.

Those are fun :slight_smile: I think that is one of the reasons we have the system we have right now… so that we could. But is it worth it in the end? I think we can link images of mogs from white listed sites.

I don’t generally switch to an alt to post things, but occasionally I have reason to switch to post something that would be more relevant on an alt.

I’d prefer not to be “unmasked” as you propose. I don’t need people chasing me around even more than they have in the past.

The only way someone can contact you via Battletag is to send a friend request that goes to the Bnet launcher chat list. That is what the request is. It is not a forum feature. Blizz, thankfully, does not have any forum friending or messaging.

actually no, they let you opt out of that for any reason because they legally had to I believe.

This I just don’t comprehend why people feel the need to hide or creep around or whatever reason they have.

I hate Classic alts for this reason. All this does is cause more grief and strife and toxicity.


I’ll admit I haven’t really looked into how these systems interact. I know that I’ve had people in the forums “track me down” before and try to friend me in-game.

I have my own reasons but I generally don’t accept friend requests like this.

There is no legal requirement to hide fictitious video game characters that I know of. Same for all the other websites that track wow chars. Some let you opt out, but they don’t have to. It does not reveal any real life personal information.

I would be happy to learn otherwise though if you can point me to a law about it.

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Right - because the forums show your name-server. Using that people can contact you in game without your permission, send you mail, and add you to their friends list to see when that forum character of yours is online.

Your Battletag requires them to send a friend request to you that you can accept, ignore, or decline. They can’t talk to you any other way and can’t see what game you are playing or which chars. It is actually a lot more secure in that sense. It stops anyone from talking to you without your permission and it keeps your game activity private.

Well in the case of harassment - they would be condoning harassment and subject to legal action. In addition, I believe both the California privacy act and Australian laws have provisions that treat character names as personal information and consequently protected. That is why all those addons and websites made changes a few years ago. Undermine journal used to post the names of characters who had items up for sale - they no longer do that.

pretty sure they have to let you opt out now, in addition, they can’t track characters under certain conditions - i think it is 30 days of inactivity.

Real life information is very strictly protected - it is called Personally Identifiable Information or PII and the Federal and State Govts have laws about protecting that.

Could you please point me to any documentation for that?

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Each account should be limited to one character to post on the forums, forever.

Also, if you’re banned in either the game or here, the ban is for both. That would make forum trolling have an actual punishment that mattered instead of the slap on the wrist we currently get.


that would lose them money though… no one is going to pay them if they are banned from the game.

And? If a player is constantly disrespecting other paying customers and a ban makes them quit , sounds like a win to me.