Account Wide Ignore on Forums

mm literally yes, i enjoy both for similar reasons.

I miss him too. :cry:

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T, you can go now bud.

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Prefer it as it is. General bait on the forums is generally pretty poorly done and easily ignored. We needn’t need the visibility of every character of someone’s account.

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it’s funny because I feel this on a spiritual level. For all of Rastlin’s shenanigans, he was genuinely amusing. I actually felt bad the one time a community manager like, publicly shamed him and said “We will time you out for something so small as bolding certain words over and over”.


Why not? Afraid of a little accountability? Sorry, but it’s getting to be ridiculous here. Some are talking on 20+ toons. If we had a heads up, we wouldn’t engage.


On the main page, which shows all the different topics, I’m gonna ignore the ones I’m not interested in. By not clicking on them. And if I DO click on a topic and discover I’m not interested, I use the back button.

The ONLY topics that bug me enough to reply to and ignore my own words are ones like THIS one which actually mean:

“I want to tell people off and make sure they have no chance to reply so I can feel like I’m right by getting the last word in”

Which is why nobody ever ignores anyone without telling them about it first. Tell me I’m wrong, you tell them you are ignoring them THEN you ignore them, just like in game. If you just didn’t reply to those people it would be the same as ignoring them instead of having an argument with them, THEN deciding to ignore them.

I agree with this though.


Blizzard (even just sporadically) could expend a bit of budget on moderation, if for no other reason than allowing the most most popular, default sub of your official forum to be this run through with trolling and ugliness is a bad look.


I trust that moderation can take care of players that use multiple characters on the same way for abusive purposes.

As for others (fairly sure there’s one guy who basically starts a discussion and answers using an alt every time) I do find weird but those don’t hurt me so I don’t care.

I hate to tell you, but it hasn’t been working for years.

I get they don’t hurt you, but they are proactively causing damage to the communities they post about. They go over the line and this kind of rhetoric pushing over flows into the real world too.

The “moderation team” looks at the flagged post, they fail to look at the trolling that happens within them by the posters, as we see troll threads flags reversed on the daily.

Why spend more money when you can limit people to posting on one toon only?


Sometimes it’s not even the trolls. People come up with the weirdest annoyingly gimmicky ways to post around here…

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The new forum calendar.


Because that would open up harassment. That’s why they won’t do what the OP is suggesting, as it would serve the same purpose. Forum IDs should have never been tied to characters in the first place. It only adds to the problem for both sides of the aisle.

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Sorry when did they ever say this? Never did, it’s odd the other Blizzard game forums all use battlenet id.

This is a weak cop out. What problem? People post on one toon only per account, I fail to grasp what this has to do with “both sides of the aisle”.

I am Canadian. You need to stop assuming there is a political line in everything, this is about one posting account per person.


I really feel like it should operate like all other forums. You get one general account to post on. Some of them ban people who create more than one account. Because it just breeds trolling.


Wish I could just put that blood elf who’s always making lgbt threads on ignore.

they tried that. it turned into a trainwreck and they had to walk it back.

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You must have missed the RealID fiasco of WotLK. They were going to use RealID as the forum profiles, but a huge outcry made them change their minds.

I just logged onto the other games, and no, it doesn’t show your ID to anyone. It either uses the game profile, like Overwatch which doesn’t have specific characters you use, or it uses individual characters like WoW and Diablo. Diablo is a little different, as those characters can have the same names in game, so a number is attached to it, but it’s not the profile.

People switch characters to post on all the time. Sometimes to legitimize their arguments. Other times to troll because they figured out they’ve been blocked or ignored.


Who said anything about politics? An aisle is a dividing line between two camps. In this case, it’s a dividing line between two arguments.

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Hey you know what I change my mind. I just see the latest troll thread and it’s done my head in. I agree with you that there should be more accountability or someway of knowing.

Initially my reservations were tied to that I may change the main character I post on if they make significant changes to the class I play (I used to post on Elk-Thaurissian when I mained Shadow Priest but they hurt my covenants legendary). But I’ve never had a track record of any disagreement or cuffufle. I am tired of the trolls though.

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Omg yes! While we are at it, options to auto ignore all posts by ppl ignored would be nifty.