"Account wide essences" was a lie

This! I don’t get why people thought otherwise. You have to earn the essence in the first place… account-wide didn’t mean “completely free.”

I hope they adopt this in Shadowlands for all sorts of systems. One of the best models they put in the game. I’d love to see MoP’s reputation buff for alts come back too, that was awesome and MoP’s class balance and MoP’s gear vendors… oh man… I’m missing MoP apparently.

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Nice straw man. Pretty sure no one says “free” they say “not timegated behind boring or outdated content”.

The currency dropping from whatever you want to play and the essences being on a vendor is how this should have been from the beginning.


It isn’t the exact same grind. Said classes didn’t unlock all 3 at once (well, ok, for one or two pvp related ones, maybe, but in general), they had to grind all 3.

No fallacies at all, you just don’t like that a system you dislike is not universally hated.

Well now you have. Again just check people in these threads.

No I am saying that a system that more people engage in in WoW is not a “failed system” as you seem to think because you and your circle does not like it. I personally like progression systems that do not require raiding. Also lol @ “by your logic” while making illogical claims based on your personal preferences and group association while not comprehending that other people don’t like what you do.

Based on their statement above - I’m pretty sure it’s a bug that will be fixed.

It couldn’t possibly be another way to toy with WoW customers.

Actually, you know nothing of my gameplay. I raid heroic on my alliance main and help others through horrific visions on my horde main (both have max cloaks).
I have 19 toons that are level 120 and I have all of the professions leveled.

I don’t cannot add a ton more game time in order to farm something else out for my alts. I’d love to be able to play my alts, and bring them to bosses that we are farming, however, unless I stop helping guildies, I do not have the extra time to put in on farming this new currancy.

You are also incorrect here. Over the last several xpacs blizzard has made it extremely easy for alts at the end of the xpac. Oh, and here we are, at the end of the xpac.

I have never understood people like you. Why do you care if others get what you consider free stuff? It is the end of an xpac, and it really doesn’t have an impact on you one way or the other.

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Yet another way to introduce a problem, then suddenly look like they’re listening by proposing another solution later on that down the road. lol

You can’t use forced compliance to gauge popularity. That should be common sense.



I don’t believe you.

Just a quick search for threads on this very forum - requests to change the essence system outnumber requests to change how raiding or m+ works 20:1.

  1. To 1.

I’ll concede that there may be a silent majority of people out there that don’t agree with me, but since you’d have to concede the same point to me, we’re back where we started. That’s why it’s called a logical fallacy.

By any objective measure, the essence system is less popular than M+ and raiding.

And the best part? It doesn’t matter at all. You keep bringing the argument back to a point that means nothing.

Gather feedback. Make changes. Repeat. That’s development. That’s how it works.

More illogical statements trying to justify your own confirmation bias.

Also your 20:1 is highly suspect and lacks reference to what the complaints are (not to mention people who don’t like to raid or M+ aren’t actually going to be complaining about changing those).

Lastly you are the one claiming that an activity that a majority doesn’t do is some how superior in popularity to other content.

So here is the end of this with your quote “This is a game. If it isn’t fun, it isn’t a success.”. You are having a hard time understanding that you are not the alpha and omega of deciding fun. Everything else after that is you stacking personal opinion and anecdotal evidence to support it.

At this stage, I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say. I’m starting to think you’re arguing just to argue, i.e., trolling. I have evidenced the contents of this forum since 8.2 launched. You have pulled some “silent majority” (an actual, named logical fallacy) out as a defense.

I posit, based on the evidence available, that most players do not enjoy the current essence system. Something blizzards own analysis seems to support, since they did make a change.

My suggestion is to gather feedback on the subject, and if a plurality of players believe time-gating essences behind limited dailies and world quests is fun, then continue to do it, and if the numbers show most people would rather have them unlocked on the vendor, do that, and if most people would just like to have an “essence” talent slot added to the paper doll with all of them available, do that.

Gather feedback. Make changes. Repeat. That’s my suggestion.

To be clear, I will not be answering you anymore unless you give me a compelling argument.

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No you are wrong, to use your vernacular here. At the end of Legion you got your weapon to 50, that was it. There has never been this mythical catch up system you have created in your own mind, mainly because there has never been a system like this before. You can keep shaking your fist at the sky, you are completely wrong in that sense alone.

Why do people keep saying this when he’s said multiple times that he already has them all?

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See - they fixed it!

They have them all for dps, and assume hybrids should be handed to them. Thing is those with multi specs had to put in the time to get those extra essences. They were in no case handed to them. I know for this toon for instance I had to grind all the extra items to unlock those. Now, because I have done that work I can buy them for all my toons. Playing a class with one spec and expecting to get all the others is indeed asking for handouts.

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Everyone, go home, it’s over. They made it fair-er than before.

He has them all on all roles from playing a multi role class. So do I because I got them all on my monk. The system works great for me, not so much for someone who made the mistake of maining a DPS class.

Ok so? They have to earn them once then, and then it’s unlocked, I still don’t get the outrage.

Bottom line is someone who played a pure DPS will get significantly less benefit from this update than someone who mained a hybrid class.

Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes once in a while won’t kill you.

But they don’t, we had to actually unlock them and work towards getting them. They were not handed to us, as I have stated before. They have their alts that require them in their minds but have yet to unlock them on those toons. So you think it’s ok to negate the work others put in to appease the few who are complaining?

And here we go low brow, cool, suit you. I can empathize but also have a differing opinion. You see, that is how it really works.

Yeah, here we go lol:


There’s your empathy. Figured Blizzard would fix it, because as people have mentioned here it was not good for pure DPS.

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