Account Suspension - Players abusing report feature

Issue resolved.

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No such thing as abusing report system we can report u 100x if u did nothing wrong nothing will happen. What i suspect is you probably said some mean things that got you penalized. Also the forums arent a means of bypassing tickets.


To receive 20 days for a social conduct violation means you would have already had prior multiple long violations. That is besides the point whether if you did deserve this one or not.

I recommend to continue appealing until they state they won’t honor any for this particular suspension.


They cannot. The forums are not a way to circumvent the appeals process, nor do the Blues here “Pass along” anything, be it suggestions, requests, ect. As to your issue being “Really not that bad”, it is irrelevant, as occurrences stack (as in , never fall off or go away), so the length of time will continue to increase if the rules are broken, that would hardly count as abuse.


There is no ‘abuse of the report feature’. There is no ‘auto-ban/suspension’. What you read on reddit has no bearing here. Replies are templated so that everyone receives the same information, however they are sent from a real person.

Appeal the suspension via ticket until you are told they will not review it anymore. Good luck.


Ya answer yourself on saying why ya got action, the 20 days is what happens when you have a history. THey don’t randomly pick a number to temp ban folks.


Context for using disallowed language, slurs and insults doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if the other players were throwing the match and your anger was a reaction to that, your responsibility is to conduct yourself in a civil matter according to the ToS while you’re in the game even if someone insults you first, or you think that they’re not doing their best on purpose (which might not even be the case).

If you feel like you have to call out people’s performance (in my experience it never makes people suddenly play better and is pretty pointless, it only starts a fight and deteriorates the situation in the instance further), you have an obligation to do it in a civil manner. If you do that and they mass report, nothing will happen to you aside from a temporary squelch while the moderators review the chat history. If you start calling people names, implying that they’re dumb, tell them that they’re terrible, accusing them of purposely throwing the game, etc, that’s all actionable.

If someone insults or swears at you, your recourse is to right-click report and that will put them on ignore for that session. If you never want to play with them again, put them on a full ignore and you’ll never get randomly matched with them again. If you think that someone is win trading or not participating, your recourse is a right-click report for AFK/Non-Participation. The GMs will look into it and action them if necessary. An ignore on top of that will do the same thing, it’ll make it so you’re not matched with them in the future.

What’s never okay is to lash out at people even if you feel it was justified and provoked. Don’t take the bait. If you take the bait and lash out, they win at you getting an account action.

You being at 20 days suspension indicates that you have a history of taking the bait. If you get frustrated, go do something else instead. Shout into your room with no one around. Get a stress ball. I don’t do PVP because I don’t like how it makes me angry, personally, but if you want to keep participating on this account that will just keep stacking penalties until they close it, consider stopping the words before they get typed out by your fingers in the game.


You can report those people. I’m not sure if there’s a violation, though. Simply not trying very hard is not necessarily against the rules. If they are engaged in a coordinated effort with the opponent to trade wins back and forth, then you have a clear infraction. But your best course is to report them and hope the Blizzard takes action against them.

You may be surprised at what can be considered a chat violation. It’s not just f-bombs that get you sanctioned. Even what would ordinarily seem to be an innocuous descriptive word could be misconstrued and get you jammed up. That said, a first time violation is likely to be met with a warning or maybe a short term silence. Subsequent violation will receive harsher and harsher penalties. As you received a 20 day game suspension, it’s likely that you’ve have chat violations in the past. You might want to reflect on the language you’ve been using and perhaps dial it back a notch.

Keep appealing. A real human will review it. Either one of the appeals will be successful and your suspension will be lifted or they will continue to deny the appeal and will eventually say that the matter is closed and no more appeals will be accepted.

Good luck.


It doesn’t work that way. To get a 20 day suspension, some one had to look at the logs and a GM had to sign off on it.


Oh it is, use the wintrading report option


I see, at least you were honest about it.

Account penalties stack and do not drop off. Past penalties mean any future penalties result in a longer suspension, and eventually license closure.

You have been made aware of all this before though when you came here for your past infractions. Example. You have also been told that your account penalties were not due to people “abusing the report feature”. They are due to you breaking the rules and that being verified when the GMs review the logs.