Account suspended

I recently appealed the decision for my account suspension.

Im curious why I didn’t receive proper evidence of the offensive language I may have used in game to result in this conviction.

I am suspended indefinitely for an entire week. I am not necessarily disagreeing with the conviction, but I would like to see what I possibly said, to ultimately learn from my mistakes and better myself.

The code of conduct, is fairly vague. Offensive language could potentially be anything these days.

Why aren’t the reports noted within the suspension, similar to that from forums suspensions where an entire post is brought into context during conviction?

This has ultimately caused me grief, as I was intending to not only continue my subscription for another month into december for SoD, but also has caused me to not purchase the pre-released expansion that is upcoming.

I do believe ensuring a safe and fun community is priority, but I believe those who are reported against and ultimately found guilty should be given the knowledge, evidence and findings for such investigations to better suit an appeal.

This only furthers me from continuing to play this account, and ultimately pushes me further away from interacting with other players in Azeroth and other Blizzard games, with fear of being cancelled and retaliated against with insubstantiated reports.

Thank you. Ticket is still open and unresolved.

If you’re suspended for a week for language…you know what you did, and your behavior is unacceptable. It takes quite a lot to get to that point, which means this isn’t your first rodeo. Or even your second or third.


You will not receive the exact reason. Only examples of communication used around the time of the report that was accepted.

To what end? An appeal is not a means for you to give your side of the story, it is only to bring the matter to a different set of eyes whereon they decide to uphold or overturn the previous decision. You can continue doing this until you’re explicitly told to stop if you believe it was done in error.

No, not really. There are plenty of people that have been playing the entirety of the 19 years the game has been around and not received a single chat infraction. Sounds pretty doable to me.

So… if they’re ultimately found substantiated… then they aren’t done out of retaliation, right?

This is good. They will handle it when it finishes its progress in queue. Even if that’s after the suspension ends, don’t cancel it because if it turns out it was done in error, it’ll remove the black mark from your account and your next infraction won’t be doubled.


Whats the purpose of a language filter if people can still report you and have you suspended for 1/4 of time paid through subscription without possible refund. Isn’t that the purpos of the language filter, and also ignore option.

Again, Im not necessarily disagreeing with the findings. But I would like to learn from my mistakes, and know where I went wrong. I was only sent the Code of Conduct page, nothing else.

It is an MMO and player interaction makes the World of Azeroth what it is. Not everyone is an NPC.

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In large part to help parents prevent their underage children from seeing distasteful discourse. Not as an excuse to flout the rules.

Bulletproof vests existing doesn’t give permission for someone to shoot them.


Isn’t much of the gameplay and micro aggression within the lore also considered offensive?

Seems at odds.

No, because that is controlled by Blizzard. They cannot predict player interaction.

They abide by the ESRB. We abide by Blizzard’s Code of Conduct.


In such case I should have the option then to turn off game chat alltogether, right?

Ignore and language filter are nice tools, but with this issue shouldn’t a non-interactive gamestate be available.

However, I can’t turn off my game chat, can I?

Last I checked it was called “mute,” I think.

Given how bad faith this conversation has turned, I’m bowing out.

But will reiterate that you have your appeal in which is the correct step to take. When it comes time, a GM will investigate and see if the correct course was taken and take steps beyond that to either reinforce or rectify. Keep an eye on your inbox for that.


In all my azeroth history, I have never come to see “mute”. Unless of course you’re claiming I should just turn a blind eye to all chat within game?

No, really that is not the case despite what the internet will try to tell you. The rules, if anything, are actually less strict than in 2004, although they cover the same topics. It has never been ok to use profanity, masked profanity, insults, slurs, sexual comments, hateful conduct, etc. Same with trolling, spamming, and advertising.

It exists because some people can’t follow the rules they agreed to and it allows parents, or others, to block those who are violating the rules. It does not excuse the language or make it acceptable to use.

Mature Language Filter (aka The Profanity Filter)

  • This can be activated within your Interface Options: Main menu (ESC key by default) Click Interface > Social and check - Mature Language Filter.

  • Once enabled, all inappropriate words in our profanity database will be filtered and masked to appear as jumbled characters, such as ‘*##@&’.

:point_right: Note: The filter does not excuse the language used. The filter serves as a temporary shield, to help parents of minors and others who do not wish to see it, to block it. Our policies prohibit the use of both clear and masked inappropriate language.

EDIT - on the topic of your post, usually they can give you a sampling of the logs around the time of the reports. I suspect that is pulled automatically for them. A Support Forum Agent here might be able to tell you more.


So I could have potentially been suspended for a vast variety of things, without any given context or clue as to what exactly I said or did to offend someone else, and thus ultimately Im now without account access to the game I paid a subscription fee for, or even possibility for refund. Im just expected to read code of conduct policy and better my behavior without proper knowledge of what caused the conviction.

Seems unfair. But again I don’t necessarily disagree. I just would like more options and understanding to better myself and my own gameplay to prevent this from happening again.

Seems as though anyone can report anything and without probable cause, cancelled and recited code of conduct jargon. Meanwhile, we’ll see you in a week with another $15 to play the game.

I don’t believe this was brought up, but anyone can report anyone else and the person won’t know it. The account action(s) come into play when the GMs agree with the reports and apply the action. No amount of reports alone will have someone’s account have actions apply to them.


We all agreed that we would follow the rules and that if we did not they had the right to suspend us or even ban us.

Your first offense would have been a Silence, most likely. That could have been quite some time ago and you don’t remember what caused it. Many people found the Silence did not have much impact, so they now use fairly long Suspensions again to have more of a lasting impact on the player to curb the behavior.

You won’t get a list of no-no words or phrases, but the forum rules and game rules are the same language wise. So the Forum Code of Conduct which has some detailed categories for you, might be a great place to start.

They can report anything they want, but the most that can happen is a Squelch if enough report you in a short enough time. That is pending GM review.

A GM is the one who has to agree with the reports to issue a Suspension. They do make mistakes, so if you feel you did nothing wrong be sure to leave the appeal in.


I believe a week timeout from in game is a bit overwhelming.

Again, no possibility for refund for the week I am missing. Seems like a great way to lose a long time customer, with several in store purchases, expansions, as well as possibly deterring them from resubscribing and potentially purchasing new pre release expansion War Within.

Just saying.

If you got suspended then they are not insubstantiated reports! They only suspend when they confirm what was said!


Umm… no you don’t get a refund when you break the rules and earn a vacation. If Blizzard bans an account in error, they usually apologize and grant the account game time.

If you actually break the rules though, you agreed you don’t get game time back because you caused the issue, not Blizzard.

The penalties tend to start light and increase with more infractions. They have had several different penalty structures over the years.

  • Originally it was suspensions for language violations. Those got longer with more infractions. That can include account closure if the infraction is severe enough, or there are enough infractions.
  • In 2016 they went to a Silence system that removed social features in game for chat violations. It started at 24 hours and doubled each time. That can include account closure if the infraction is severe enough, or there are enough infractions.
  • That was not having the impact needed to curb behavior so a year or two ago they went back to including suspensions again. First offense is a week Silence. Second seems to be a week Suspension. Next will be 2 weeks I think. That can include account closure if the infraction is severe enough, or there are enough infractions.

Its all good.

A week long suspension without any actual noted behavior to learn from, is only causing me take my business and money elsewhere. Nice play, right before expansion release. Plenty of other games that don’t do this to paying subscribers.

Again, code of conduct and convicted based on what language? How was it offensive?

This is more than likely why WoW has lost its sense of community, people fear being cancelled and suspended for talking in game, so they take their communications to Discord to prevent reprecussion of false claims.

I think we have a year before release right? Blizzard has been penalizing accounts for breaking rules since 2004. I am not sure why you are surprised or expecting something different.

Keep your appeal in and hopefully they can give you the logs near the infraction time frame to jog your memory. If not, maybe a Blue here can jog it for you if one is around.

P.S. Paying a sub does not give players the right to disregard the rules the players agreed to. Nothing about this has changed (in substance) in 19 years.

EDIT: And a Blue did indeed appear and resolve the “mystery” of why your suspension occurred.


Making ultimatums won’t sway Blizzard, BTW. More so when the CS forum isn’t a place where the GMs look at, nor the blues have any say in the matter can do anything.