Account suspended

It gets the point across though. People were laughing off lighter sentences, so most infractions these days don’t even merit a silence anymore.

Amidst all of this, you should have gotten a snippet (not the entire conversation, mind you) of your chat with the email you would have received. If you did not receive either the email or the chat snippet, you can request these things.

Context means nothing. Chat infractions are pretty cut and dry. Fair warning that if one of our SFAs pop their head in here, you may well find out here what or an estimation of what you’ve said or done that would have earned you the sanction.

But most important thing to note - chat and social infractions double. So if perhaps you got a silence months ago, maybe a day’s suspension the next time? Now you’re at a week. Next time, it is likely to be two weeks. And people have had their accounts shuttered entirely due to social infractions alone. Just something to keep in mind.


Mean while some of us have been playing for years. Myself since 2006 and yet Have never had a chat violation or warning!

Consider anything you would not say to your own grandmother should not be said in game. No cursing, No foul language or toxic language.


I don’t mean to argue.

But again, this just further proves that WoW community is in fact dying.

You’re losing long time players and customers, because of possible “offensive” language if even that, just reciting Code of Conduct and suspending their accounts.

This is why people are far less likely to chat in game or even interact with players at all, fear of retaliation. So they just keep communication on Discord.


To not be reported, I’d suggest not haranguing your teammates on what seems to be a fairly regular basis about your opinions of their skill levels, especially with some of the more colorful and derogatory statements.

To not get ACTIONED, stop dropping F-bombs. Spelled out and abbreviated in several interesting ways. None of those are allowed.

Your first appeal was upheld, and I suspect the second will be as well.

I think this has been asked, answered, and will serve no useful purpose being left open.

I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do.