Account suspended and silenced for 2 weeks? For what?

Suspended and silenced for 2 weeks??

I’m making a post for my husband since he is silenced and suspended

He tried to log in this morning and got a notice that he is suspended till the 4th. All he did last night was get into a random raid, and got passed RL, he did not say anything out of the ordinary, and was not toxic. The only thing we can think of is he kicked a lot of low performing players out of the raid because they were afk, and or under performing, which could have caused a mass report since he got the automated message with no detail of abusive chat.

Ticket # US100475057

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If he got silenced and banned for that long, what was said and/or done was probably severe enough to warrant it.

This isn’t why he got a suspension. The only way you might be able to get some clarity is to ask this question in the customer service forum.

Good luck.


It adds to the next time they get “in trouble” so if this happened next time it will be for a month or so. He did nothing wrong and if he did the auto ban said nothing on why he got silenced or banned.

Normally you get a message on what you said that was reported.

He should still be able to post.

Yes, you get a message if you are suspended.

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Link to Customer Support.

I am reluctant to believe that is what happened here, based on how things historically have gone.


A 2 week ban?

You don’t get a 2 week ban out of the gate, so what’s up with that?


Now I have this stuck in my head.


You’re in the wrong place, as no one here is likely have any clue what happened or why it warranted account action. Has he appealed?

Right? He didn’t call anyone names he didn’t even type anything but the boss mechanic positioning… and bam. Can’t log on. Very weird and very annoying

So you or him (him ideally) post in the customer service forums.

Yep. I’m not convinced at all, but that’s for CS to decide.

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but…I’m innocent…


So many innocent “victims”…

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Maybe next time he should ask people to leave on their own and be honorable about it. Even better would be thanking them for their time but that you need to find higher DPS, etc.

There’s something to be said about civility.

Looks like this thread was moved to CS. The OP will likely get their answer soon enough.

Uh huh sure welll assuming you’re not just claiming to be your own wife to avoid punishment for ban evasion and are telling the truth welp your husband clearly is not telling you the truth.

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I was gonna say your husband sounds like a great guy until you confessed he didn’t call anyone names.

I mean why else would someone get reported? By saying something stupid or calling someone out but he didn’t do any of that.