Account not accessible

For the second time my main account has been unccessible due to blizzard not able to attaching the right Authenticator to my account.

Unable to add my phone which met their guidelines.

The horrible customer service via tickets and Game Masters who don’t understand what i put on the tickets that i submit.

If they are unable to add your phone, then it is not one which they can due to the rules and regulations set up by the FCC.


Phone number - that we really can’t help, Elynaline.

As for the authenticator, it would appear we put the same serial number on that you applied in 2015. Did you ever have more than one keyfob?

The number i submitted was the same one i used to merged my accounts

I’m talking about authenticator serial codes, Elynaline.

Phone numbers may work on an account - but not with SMS. That is beyond our control. Your current issue is the authenticator isn’t working, yes?

Needing a valid SMS phone number to add an authetnicator is something rather new - also something we can’t help - but we did re-add the same serial code from the authenticator you added back in 2015.

You’ve been advised several times Live Chat might be a better way to deal with this. Unfortunately, the hours are very limited but I suspect they may be correct.

When available, you should see a second icon next to ticket on this page.
Contact Support - Blizzard Support (


No i never bought more than one

If its the same one… Why isnt it working??

Excellent question, but I double-checked the serial number and it appears to be correct.

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Can you email me and i can reply with a picture of the serial number?

We only work through tickets, but it would be the same one that was previously used, directly from our records. Live Chat would be a better venue to followup on this.

Do i blame Blizzard or Activision for the shotty customer service? Because I’ve been waiting since yesterday to get this resolved.

Have your live chat contact me… Ive been a long customer regretting coming back

Orlyia isn’t someone who works on tickets. She mods the forum, though she can look at what is being done between you and another. It’s not that she doesn’t want to help you more directly, it’s that she cannot due to the constraints and limitations of her position. And she cannot just have someone contact you. You need to look for the live chat window.

For someone who was just coming back you’ve already latched quickly and incorrectly into the ‘Activision’ mess. There is kind of a world-wide pandemic going on. People are working from home. It’s not an ideal situation for anyone but coming in here with that chip on your shoulder won’t get you far.


No one is going to contact you because you post on the forums. If you want any sort of contact, the only way is via the ticket system.


They will not do that. You have to initiate the contact during the very limited Live Chat hours.

In NORMAL times there is both Live Chat and Phone Callback for your particular issue - but they are not doing much of that that due to the work from home situation during the Pandemic. I suspect it is for security reasons because Blizz normally only lets people work from Campus where everything is highly monitored.


Still doesn’t explain why, if my original authenticator is linked to my account, isnt working… That would be thier IT department to figure that out

And said Tech won’t contact you because you said so on the forums. More to the point, they only work from ticket system.

Yes i got that

Posting here on the forum does not garner attention from any department due to this forum being a forum for players to assist other players. Customer Support is not Customer Service.

That being said, it can have something to do with some phone services not being able to act as authenticators. We’ve seen it crop up here a few times now. The big ones such as Verizon and such aren’t usually an issue, but there are some carriers that have not been compliant.

It really should be working BUT they can get out of synch. What error message do you get, if any, when you try to put in a code? It does ask for one right?

Eh, not really. Phone numbers are created with a tag type. So some are tagged as Contract Mobile, others are Pre-Pay Mobile, others as VOIP. Etc. Usually a provider gets the numbers assigned to them in batches and that tag is attached at that time - FCC maybe?

Blizzard’s services are set to use Contract Mobile flagged numbers. Not VOIP or pre-paid/pay-as-you go phones. Those are often used by fraudsters for all kinds of crimes (as well as by good folks too - bad people ruin it for everyone.)

Sometimes people get assigned a number that was originally tagged as Pre-Paid or VOIP - even though they have a Contract Phone now. Those numbers won’t work with Blizzard services and Blizzard can’t change the tags on phone numbers.

Blizz would have to either allow all burner phone/pre paid/VOIP OR approve numbers on a case by case basis with proof of contract. I don’t think either will happen.

Not entirely sure what I think of having the Auth now attached to a Contract Mobile Phone # requirement. It may prevent hackers from putting Authenticators on stolen accounts via burner phones? Maybe?


Thank you. That’s what I was going for but you phrased it far better and clearer!

So in a nutshell… Your telling me that

If they cant get my keyfob Authenticator working im up a creek without a paddle

And run the risk getting hacked and all my work since 2006 going down the drain