Account not accessible

No, there are still ways to safeguard your account.

Thats funny cause i have cricket as well… Am im having issuses setting it up rolfmao

I’m getting the error code it’s not a actual phone number LOL

Well, if nothing else we’ve helped to pinpoint the issue! Hopefully that older forum post will help? There is a video linked to help too at the end of the thread.

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yeah, for some reason Cricket is tagged as a pre-paid phone, which Blizzard does not support. It’s on Cricket’s end.

Its kinda funny though … I had the same issue the last time they reattached the keyfob after it got kicked off my account

Authenticator’s don’t just get “kicked off” an account. They have to be removed. If it was removed, then someone else had it removed and you have more pressing matters to worry about such as your system and email being hacked.

What do you mean by “merged accounts” in this context?

2 accounts became 1 account

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