Account closure for abusive chat

Just to clarify, our policies govern inappropriate language and subject matter but also toxic behavior, which can often be accomplished without using any profanity.

Looking at the chat here, it seems there is a history of disparaging others, calling others names, telling them they shouldn’t play, accusing them of throwing, etc…

The point of our penalties is to help educate about our policies and to hopefully deter future such violations. Eventually those do lead to the closure of the WoW license when enough pile on.

As the others mentioned, you will need to wait for your appeal to be reviewed. Good luck.


You are right, I forgot about that

Thank you! I hope I do get another chance but if not, fair. I clearly have some self reflecting to do regardless.


Unfortunately this happens a lot, especially when multiple people are responding to a topic. The responses don’t appear to them while doing so, so they are not, to my belief, trying to pile on by repeating the same answers.


There should be chat logs they can pull and yes abuse can ce defined as many things.

Best is to not get into the trade chat debates

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I seen this alot with name calling and such on popular aussie servers (Bath and Frostmourne) hence why people getting abusive chat bans

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I’m sorry, you mean to tell me accusing someone of throwing(who did throw) is considered abusive? That’s an absurd policy.


No, but probably the way it was said is what will trigger an account penalty. You can provide feedback on players, you just can’t be toxic about it or use profanity.


That would likely depend on the language used. It’s also just an accusation. If you feel that someone was not playing fairly, you report them with a right-click report. You don’t act childish and throw out accusations.


No, but probably the way it was said is what will trigger an account penalty. You can provide feedback on players, you just can’t be toxic about it or use profanity.

I think the problem is toxic is such a broad undefined term and you can skew anything to be considered “toxic”. I got reported for saying “Respectfully, I’m just curious why you are queueing up for a Rated PVP mode and wearing full mythic gear and no pvp gear?” Got called toxic and reported. No foul language, and a genuine question.


Given the fact we don’t know what ya said, as folks will bend what they said to fit their story, we can’t take whatever ya say as proof or 100% fact. Even then, the forums isn’t for this kind of thing.

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If you are referring to your last action, Tereo - it was a little more than that.

You seem compelled to voice your displeasure often, and in very disparaging terms.


If you are referring to your last action, Tereo - it was a little more than that. You seem compelled to voice your displeasure often, and in very disparaging terms.

That’s interesting to me as I know I haven’t used any slurs or profanity despite people whispering me to “KYS” and calling me the R-Slur(who are still playing the game rn), is there any way you can send me those logs privately? Or post them here I give permission.


I do hope you reported those lines, Tereo.

As to your chat, nothing hair-raising, but you really shouldn’t call others useless, garbage or harangue your group for being ‘bad’. Nothing profane, but toxicity will be actioned if reported.


I appreciate that reply Orlyia truly, thank you.


Anyone can report a player for practically anything but Blizzard determines if it is frivolous or if it requires action on their part. Someone once said they reported me for killing quest mobs but nothing ever happened and I just ignored them. Don’t let people bait you into breaking the rules.


Are you telling everyone to not throw a… :sunglasses: Hissifit?


Well played! :rofl:


That is untrue Slicedndiced. If someone else is breaking the rules REPORT them. Do not take the bait. Let the GMs deal with the reports. Blizzard does not currently scan the game looking for violations. They depend on reports from players to alert the GMs. That report captures the name, server, time, chat channel, and chat logs.

That also puts the person on temp ignore for the rest of your log-in session so you won’t be tempted to reply to them.

That is really the best and only way to deal with others who are violating the rules.


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