Account closure for abusive chat

I’m certain this was a mistake as I have made it a point to not use profanity.

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Have you appealed via ticket yet?


Yes I have! I have reason to believe it will not be reviewed through ticket though.

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Sorry to say, but it wont be review through the forums if ya under that assumption. They only do it via tickets.


It does not have to be profanity to be abusive. If you continuously berate or act toxic in any way, you will continue to get actioned. And reaching a full account closure means that you have had many suspensions and warnings before this.

No, you don’t have any reason to think that. All appeals are reviewed, even if the action is upheld.


I’m not sure that’s true. If so than I’ll find out I guess.

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They are, and even by humans too!

That’s your only recourse. Up to you.

Sadly though, the amount of times we see players in this forum claiming innocence when it comes to abusive chat, only to be proven wrong if a forum staff member takes a look behind the scenes at the account.

Certainly doesn’t need to contain profanity to be abusive - that’s something a lot of people forget.


It is true. One of the Support Forum Agents may pop in and gently remind you of what you did wrong, but any appeal is handled through a ticket.


Please refrain from being condescending. That’s fine I would be happy for them to let me know the specifics.

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I don’t see anyone responding to you in that way at all. Direct and factual, but certainly not condescending.


Thanks for your input. I’d like to leave this up for customer support not the community ! Thank you

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Welcome to the player help player forum - often confused for customer service.


You don’t get to make that choice if you post. This is an Information Desk to help explain the support system, guide folks through the ticket system, explain policies, explain services, etc.

It is largely handled by community volunteers, with Blizzard oversight when they are in office.

The only way to have private interactions with Blizzard is via ticket.

Keep in mind that “abusive chat” means all chat infractions, not just use of profanity. It means masked profanity, slurs, trolling/picking fights, insulting and berating people, advertising, spam, etc. Also that chat does not need to be aimed at anyone in particular. Just use of chat the breaks the rules can result in an account action.

Closure means the license has had many violations on it already that were upheld.


Although you may see our friendly SFAs pop up from time to time. There is never a guarantee that they will. And it shouldn’t ever be expected.

This forum is for players assisting players. And not a direct contact point for GMs. As there are no GMs here.

We all understand your frustration. But the appeals route is truly the only way to go


If you want to appeal it, a ticket is required. There are no GMs on the forums.


yeah me either? maybe i missed something

Hostile responses to people who are trying to help may give you a clue as to what your “abusive chat” was.


Various things that may fall under abusive chat

Cursing in any form, including masked words or phrases

Being toxic to other players.

Advertising in the wrong channel and or spamming.

These are all things that could lead to abusive chat. I hope this helps in the future


It would be up to each individual to decide if something is disruptive to them personally. I think continuously sending responses that were already answered previously and without a response starts leaning on condescending at least that’s how I took it. You dont have to agree but you could also not invalidate how others feel.

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Also, bad content within an RP addon profile too will certainly get you actioned if reported.