Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

I know this is off topic but every time I see this thread I read the title as “L4D” and get excited because I think it’s about Left 4 Dead and then get immediately disappointed when I realize it isn’t.

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I just play my alts and suck. It’s the best compromise I’ve found.

This is a much better alternative to just making them account bound, the people who don’t want it sure have a point. Showed you!

As it currently stands, even with reduced cost and rep to access some of them, people returning will have to farm old content to be able to get those essences and everyone with alts who want to play their alts will face the same grind. And I pity anyone who is new to this game… Because it won’t be fun. They won’t stick around if it takes them so many weeks to be able to level and then face weeks of leveling followers in Naz and rep and crates, oscillators, etc to be able to even remotely catch up.

Frankly, there is no incentive to do it. If I was a returning player, I would certainly not bother because to get those essences will mean doing older content that people will no longer be farming. So what would be the point? It would take ages to catch up. Might as well not bother and just wait until the next expansion where it will all become irrelevant anyway.

Selling 8.2 essences in 8.3 is a terrific idea. And I think if people have already unlocked it, it should be account wide. It will provide a valuable catch up and is an incentive for new or returning players and for the majority who like to play alts.

I fail to understand why Blizzard implemented a system that effectively locks people into playing less classes and has made it so much harder to switch mains or return from a break. In legion, we had account wide catch up mechanisms for new tiers with the weapon, specifically so that people changing mains could do so and for returning players to be able to actually catch up, why they are refusing to do the same thing now with essences defies logic.

It isn’t fun. This is the first time since Vanilla that I am not playing my alts and gearing them, because of essences.

8.3 will mean alts and returning or new players will have two grinds… Essences from old content and for the cloak and new essences with the tier.

I have not spoken to anyone in this game who likes this current system. People who used to level and gear alts, now have just leveled and parked those alts, because of essences and the grind to get them is ridiculous… Blood of the Enemy alone - this should be account wide. It is ridiculous that it is not.

This is the last tier of the expansion. Instead of inviting people to play, Blizzard have effectively reduced any desire and ability to actually play and be able to catch up to everyone quickly.


We have a winner.

I read this and it’s why I’m so utterly gobsmacked when people speak out against the idea, you have quite literally nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Honestly you might have my favorite post I’ve seen in regards to this, I’m putting it in the first post I like it so much.


How is the goalpost being moved?

I said you’ve never needed to grind rep or dailies for BIS items. You come up with examples that are not BIS.

You don’t even seem to understand the point.

“Preraid BIS” is not the same thing as BIS. The point being that you should be able to get your BIS gear from raiding. You coming up with examples that are “BIS except for raid gear” is totally missing the point.

Oh my gosh, yes, please. I don’t like the fact that I feel somewhat pigeonholed into playing one class because that’s the one I happened to get most of my essences on. I’d love to be able to only worry about gearing up my shaman or my paladin so I could jump right into raids and heal, but I’ve got two huge reputation barriers to worry about just for mandatory healing essences.

I already ground out Mechagon and Ankoan rep - why do I need to do both two more times?

If an item is BiS at any point in the game, it is BiS. By your logic, any item from the launch of an expansion isn’t really BiS either as you will replace it later on in the expansion.

Kinda what I meant by moving the goal posts.

But your examples are not “BIS at any point in the game”. Because there is better gear available in the raid.

Pre-raid BiS is still BiS, hence why it is called “pre-raid BiS” because it is the best items you can get before the raid. And lately launch raids don’t get released until a month or so after the expansion launches. So those items are still BiS for that length of time. And if those items come from rep vendors, like some items did from MoP, well…

Like I said, by your logic nothing in the game is truly BiS as you will end up replacing it at some point in time.

Well this is absolutely not true at all. Raids are usually released in the 2nd week of the expansion, in which case you wouldn’t have any exalted reps anyway.

Uldir was released around 3-4 weeks after BFA launched.

BFA launched August 14th 2018

Uldir was opened up September 4th 2018

So that is 3 weeks.

EN was released on 20th September 2016

Legion launched 30th August 2016

Again 3 weeks. Not two

Highmaul, December 2nd 2014

WoD launched 13 November 2014

I wonder, how many weeks was that?

I did say around a month or so. 3 weeks is closer to a month than 2 weeks.

In fact patch raids followed this pattern as well from Legion onwards until EP, which released 2 weeks after 8.2 launched.

EDIT: But since we were talking about MoP.

MoP launched September 15th 2012

MSV opened up on October 2nd.

Around 2 and a half weeks later. Which is greater than 2 weeks.

And we have to set something clear. Not everyone did heroic raiding back in MoP, or mythic raiding in WoD to now. So those vendor items would’ve been BiS for those people.

I can remember having my BiS neck for my lock during Dragon Soul coming from Firelands.

is it though?

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

AP grind is coming back WITH the legendary cloak grind. It is sad that they are resorting to all these grinds.

All they had to do was make a fun gearing system for the last patch but corrupt forged gear with all these grinds is one giant mess.


I hope one day they realise people will play the game if it fun, If they spent the same amount of time designing fun content people wouldn’t be annoyed to log on.

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I thought about playing an alt, saw the essence grind, decided to play a different game instead.


And i mean, why wouldn’t you? There are so many games after our time and some appreciate the time spent on it. Not just expect you to log on and go through the motions so you can do the content you enjoy.

I started playing path of exile a lot more.

Visual representation of the good lads supporting a better essence system :slight_smile:


That picture is spot on, nobody can be against account bound essences its a free win for everyone!