I do not believe there is a downside to account bound essences

As title says:

I’ve done the grind on four separate characters now to their bis essences rank three.

I simply do not believe there are any downsides.

One argument is it would move the game to a more account based game, but I don’t see how if the game did do that my gameplay experience would be impacted.

This is a new thread as the other met it’s fate due to flags :frowning:

I’d be interested to hear if others thought there was a negative. Reposting the below


there is no downside xd


Have you seen the META achievement for the Visions? That is the reason essences are not account bound. It’s BS, and I can already see how much rioting there will be.

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I think that like reputations it is just something Blizzard thinks should not be account bound so you have things to do on your alts. I’m guessing they think that this results in better gameplay.


I got things to do on my alts:
Arenas, BGs, Raid, Mount farm, Pet Farm, M+.


The downside is on Blizzard’s bottom line, not anything that the players would consider a downside.


The moment you say “account bound” for anything, to me…there is a downside.

I don’t want WoW to continue its drift to being an account progression game over a character progression game.


Gotta leave you something to do in the next 7-8 months.


I’d also love for my fresh 120 mage to get my warlock’s 445 socketed lure, these raid azerite pieces, my 445 weapon, an all the other things I did. I mean there is NO downside right?


There are NO downsides to account wide essences. FACT!


The problem with your last thread was that whenever someone disagreed with you, they were just spamming and off topic or blizz apologists or shills.


This is kinda what we should be doing, but that’s off-topic I guess.

Really though… we’re entering the final patch of BFA. Essences should be account bound at this point imo.


Ugh. Wish rep was account wide on ALL characters. :sob:


Not the same thing and you know it. Your guild could help you gear up that mage in a week if it was needed but you can’t get the essences you would need that fast because there are hard caps on how much progression you can acquire on them weekly/daily.


It results in blizzard being able to stretch a months worth of content out over six months. Don’t think that your enjoyment or satisfaction with the game is entered anywhere into that spreadsheet or is considered in any way.


They think it results in more time played, but for me, it’s less. I haven’t really touched alts this expansion, and when I start to work on one, a new patch comes out, and there is another grind just to be a complete character (not BiS, just a full character). It just keeps me from playing alts, and there is only so much I enjoy on my main right now.


I think the primary argument against it is “where does it stop?”

Ok, essences are account wide, what about reputation?

Ok, reputation is account wide, what about professions?

Ok, professions are account wide, what about armor and gear?

What about levels? Quests? It is endless.

I often thought reputation should be account wide, but as time has gone on I realized by having them character based gives me something to work toward as I level or get my guys to the level cap.


Don’t have to worry about essences if you don’t have a sub.


i have a plethora of things to do on my alts. i can’t do them until i get the essences to make those toons viable. i levelled a couple of alts through korraks and have some more on the way up, but they’ll be parked til shadowlands because i’m just not doing the grinds again.

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I would prefer certain things be account-bound. Somethings are fun to grind out the first time… and tedious the second, third, fourth, fifth, and so on.