Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

Setting yourself up for disappointment here. You’re seeing this as a prelude to the flood, when it’s actually just Blizzard tossing you a bone to shut up about essences for a while. They have no incentive or reason to give you a shortcut on a grind that is designed to keep you busy.

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You can make one, but it will go to you. Since you keep ignoring the points I am making (which are based on actual facts and not feelings).

That surely backfired then hehe.

All it did was rally the people, Evlavela. I’m just glad someone else is posting as I’m kinda bored of Denona.

I keep telling her that. But she is so caught up in her own safe space that she lashes out whenever you say that.

She even had to straight up lie in order to feel “right”.

You still have to do the rank 1 to rank 3 grind to even unlock rank 4 on alts anyway. But she keeps ignoring that fact.

muh safe space!!!

So glad blizzard is making an essence account bound, how great.

1 rank that does nothing meaningful is not making the whole essence account wide. Even more so as you still need to do the rank 3 grind on each individual alt to actually buy rank 4.

But keep using that fallacy you love repeating to yourself.

I know you’re horribly upset but you should put more time into your replies as you edit every one seconds after posting. It’s not like you magically discovered a point with any weight you just forget to add your snarky remark at the bottom.

Here’s the facts:

  1. A level of an essence will be account bound
  2. This means that an essence is being changed to be account bound.


1 rank does not equal the whole essence.

Side note: It is kinda cute that the first 4 replies to this thread are from your alts, acting as if they are different people.

I should report that as spam. But i ran out of flags for today.

It is better than just outright lying because you have to keep coming up with strawmans.

this is wrong considering he’s made it very clear this is not the intention

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Yes I’m so sneaky trying to post on different characters that have the names:

All in the same guild on the same server, thank god we have a genius like you around who saw through my cunning plan damn!

While it may not the the intention, it is spamming the thread. They used the same tactic later on trying to prove a strawman to me.

Wait a second… does anyone else realise that there are a bunch of posters in this thread who have the name Tim? They’re all on Frostmourne too… It’s very strange…

I used to enjoy playing alts, back in WotLK and Cata. When the only grind was just get gear.

Now that I have to grind AP, essences, and reputation on all the characters I play I don’t play alts. I have essentially been raid logging for two expansions once I get pathfinder. I hop on extra if the guild pings Discord. Otherwise, I just play something else. Then once I get AotC I unsub.

Right now I have my sub for 8.3 hype and to start on AotC with guild again.

TLDR: I just want to go back to the simpler systems of yesteryear. Account wide essences would help me.



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mfw boomers and straw manners arguing when the literal perfect solution has been established already by both sides

make the 8.2 essences salable by a new 8.3 vendor and remove any time-gating


That’s a really great suggestion, whoa.

Genius, incredible, thick, solid.


i wonder what kind of argument they’ll come up against that tbh

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yOu JuSt WaNt a FrEe SeCoND MaIn StOp BeInG LaZy

I’ve got rank 2 on my alts and i smash out a +9 every week so stop complaining it’s fine.

But where does it stop? Why not just make gear account bound!

damn they sure got me with my 2 characers at 450 ilvl, 70 neck and full of rank 3 essences !!! :open_mouth: