Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

Your first mistake was doing it the first time.

These treadmills need to stop.

Can we please just go back to normal character progression?

Boss X has Y loot table. No WF/TF, corrupted (wf/tf by another name), etc., etc.

One layer of RNG is enough.

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I’d like to see account wide essences for sure. But there seems to be no sign of such a change coming.

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I am against account bound essences because it removes content from people. Now that content you might not want to do but you can’t guarantee others don’t like replay value of alts.

This is incorrect, since the entirety of the content that provides essences will remain here, being ready to play

Reputations still needs to be done, should you care about them
People are still doing random bgs despite getting their essences
Still doing arenas despite getting conflict and strife
and so on

So this argument is quite weak, I say find something that has more weight.


Removing a reason to do ‘x’ content effectively removes content.

If everyone was mailed mythic raid gear at the start of the patch, how well would the game work ? Do you think everyone would still be raiding without any need to do that content ?

I do not think that is n accurate example. Mythic gear comes from hard, edge of seat instanced encounters that like 1% of the playerbase is able to get.

Essences come from daily grinds and repeatable quests.

People should be able to skip the grind somewhat after doing it once for this because its coming from inconsequential content thats taking us away from what we do enjoy.

Plus there are still benefits to doing the content. Nazjatar will still have its followers that give you more dps and utility. Mechagon will still have their cool gadgets you can create if you want to gather them.

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It does not matter. Some people mythic raid and some people work on character progression which includes things like earning essences and leveling up professions.

The only reason I got exalted in Nazjatar and Mechagon on 6 plus characters plus did all those follower quests was straight for essences. I would not have done that content on my alts otherwise.

If what that person was saying was accurate that people would still be doing the content, there literally would be NO need for account wide essences.

Let’s be honest essences are a step backwards in design.

I’m all for motivation to do content and character power isn’t inherently bad - but the scope should be limited to what you do.

PvP for PvP essences - that are only usable in PvP (or open world) fine…but forcing people to PvP (because it’s BiS everywhere) who primarily like PvE content is a major turnoff. Especially if you need to do it repeatedly (multiple toons).


Again, incorrect.

The main reason to do all of this content still remains with or without essences.

Keep in mind, essences were introduced as a band-aid system. Should azerite gear have been good, somehow, essences would never be a thing

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If the main reason to do content remains the same FOR YOU, then why the heck do you need account wide essences.

This is not a “for me” thing. Just look at it objectively.

I’d imagine it would be new for you but I’m sure you can do it

Sure it is a you thing. You are trying to say everyone has exactly the same motivations to do content which is false.

Answer my question. Why do you need account wide essences if you are going to do the content anyway.

It is not. Find my quote where I am “trying to say everyone has the same motivations”.

Account wide essences are needed for alts. It’s as simple as that. The whole point is not having to redo the same tedious, boring, easy and braindead chores over and over and over.

There is a better idea out there which helps everyone, though it would be even better to combine both account wide essences and the vendor idea, imo anyway.

Again, look at the situation with an objective perspective. It’s important when debating these problems. Trying to turn this on me by pretending I am projecting my personal situation as the only reality is wrong, and you can see by yourself throughout this thread.

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I thought we’ve already covered your earlier argument.

Make level 4 non account bound, so people who want to do daily rep grinds will still need to do it to farm rank 4s.

Account bound essences to rank 3 removes nothing from the player.


The goal here is to bring more players to the game

Amazing to think that people are against having more players in their game

It’s like they want WoW to die or something :roll_eyes:

What goes away when they change essences acquisition? Its really just glorified achievement hunting. Go get 30000 honor, go do your dailies, do a m+ at a reasonable level each week. If they actually changed it all that would change is that you have a few new shinier buttons for a patch and you, myself and many others still wouldn’t have the rank 4s that we could still unlock because grinds are content i guess, and those grinds will still be there? Like whats actually stopping you from doing that stuff anyway? How are you losing content from this?

Amusingly enough I recently realized that essences at rank 4 are like one of the only cosmetics in this game that are not account bound, which is funny because most people don’t care about rank 4 essences and try to concede the point of lets just get the relevant stuff account bound, or brought to a reasonable level of acquisition(hint week long time gates and 10+ hours of pvp are not reasonable). No one wants to grind the relevant stuff because it effects actual gameplay and requires a huge waste of time to bear fruit.

also it sounds like you made the point that a lot of us are trying to make later with

Yes, we wouldn’t do that on our alts given the choice, that is exactly why we want account bound, or heavily nerfed requirements for rank 3 essences. Because if our late game potential wasn’t locked behind arbitrary grinds people would be able to play the game as they liked instead of being obligated to jump through actual arbitrary hoops.

And it won’t effect character power all that much since we’re getting several new essences, a legendary cloak, and losing forging all in a single patch so we have plenty power progression leaps to work through without the 8.2 essences. That said 8.3 essences should have loosened requirements for alts after the first character acquires it. If 8.2 essences remain as is on the ptr though 8.3 will be the worst alt patch probably ever since 8.2.

I agree with account bound essences. Too many natrow minded folk in here.

Look at it from a business perspective. Do blizz want MORE or LESS people to play? MORE?? Then dont make returning players OR players who want to change mains do OLD content to be relevant, its absurd and has never been a thing before.

And to all those people using that gear analogy, essences arent GEAR so stop using that garbage.


Do people care about rank 4s ? You act like people are going to grind out rank 4s on multiple alts yet you don’t want to even do rank 3s on multiple alts.

People who have a different opinion are narrow minded ? Isn’t you calling them that an indication of that in yourself - seems like you are projecting.

I say narrow minded because they arent looking at the bigger picture. They are selfishly acting like others will get for free whst they worked so hard for and its not fair.

The bottom line is, blizzard should not be making returning players and even current players do OLD content to be relevant. It WILL puah ppl away thats a simple fact.

That isn’t the issue some people are having. Are you sure you aren’t projecting the selfish part ?

Good thing they are putting in new essences so no one needs to go back.