Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

I have 3 120s that I actively play.

The good ones? Depends on class and spec. The only two that are time delayed are follower/ naj rep. The rest are pretty free at this point.

And sorry, you don’t speak for anyone. Your opinion is just that, your opinion.

No im not high… I said for an alt its fine. Whys that hard to understand? And if you want to progreas with your alt at the same level as ur main then put the effort in. Gear already rains from the sky in this game and the neck grind is a complete joke with all the nerfs. The essence grind is the ONLY thing you need to put effort in.

No you said the difference between rank 1 and 2 is marginal, which is complete BS.

The essence grind wouldn’t be as much of an issue if it weren’t so heavily timegated.

Compare it to the grinds we had to do in the past to get into content. The BC attunement quests. Long quest chain, but could be done in a day if you REALLY wanted to.

If the essence grind followed that model I’d have way less of a problem with it.

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Sorry, but he does speak for most of us.
BoA Essences Now! (or in 8.3)

please make [cont]

boa [cont]

essences [cont]

i hate myself for [cont]

actually alting [cont]

i wanna play this but i cant stomach any more of the same stupid grind

or by a couple of posters and their 50 alts

I will do it 30 times for my toons if i need to, which i wont .

but nothing should be account wide in this game . it doesnt make any sense at all to do so . this game is a toon based game , not a player based . our toons on an account are never in the game at the same time . they dont "know " each other , how can they share things . Goes against everything RPGs are about .


I would agree if the loot was more meaningful like it was in EQ, were a single piece could last expansions. When they constantly change up their game and then balance around that specific power/items it causes burnout. Those of us that adult and still want to raid are gated back and lose a seat at a table. Again if this was more meaningful and would last more then a few patches I would be fine with it but it will not.

I wouldn’t mind essences at all if the process of accquiring them didn’t feel so horribly railroaded.

Want a particular essence? Go do a very specific quest-chain, dailies and WQ for a particular faction. Not at all fun to repeat.

At least if I want a piece of gear (even if I detest having to replace pieces with the same piece but of a higher ilevel every major patch) - I can run content that’s fun to repeat. Story-based quests and areas are great the first time, but repeating them in a short span of time gets grating very, very quickly.

Further, the content you do to actually get the essences, for the most part, has nothing to do with their strengths. I have to primarily DPS and kill world bosses for the healer essence, for example. Some variety would be great - maybe even a special healer challenge for the healer essence, as opposed to mind-numbing dailies.

Really, despite the issue of them being sometimes BiS in PvE, I think the PvP essences are the best designed. They provide a solid benefit in PvP, and come from PvP. Every essence should benefit you most in the content it comes from.


another day goes by

one day closer to account wide essences


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No justice
No peace

account wide essences when

Not happening is when.

Ion at start of BFA: “We want to make the game more alt friendly after Legion which wasn’t”

Ion before 8.2: “We are doing essences that require grinding them out on every alt”

And so the Blizzard pendulum swings from one extreme to the other.

OK Boomer :smile:

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Ion at Blizzcon: We understand BFA was alt unfriendly and we plan on doing everything to encourage more alt play… just not now… later we’ll do it.

From what preach has said everything in 8.3 is super alt friendly too.

ok boomer