Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

Hopefully they do BoA essences in 8.3 and this delay is just to build hype when they announce it.

Blizzard devs are too stubborn to make this change. It doesn’t matter how clearly idiotic a system/idea is, once Blizzard implements it they will not change it.

It’s our duty though as disgruntled gamers to RISE UP.

Or just to complain!

There isn’t a whole lot of anyone rising up on this issue, it’s simply not as big as you’d like to think.

^pretty much this.

Ok boomer.

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Nice argument, it’ll take you places in life.

Ok boomer.

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Ok boomer.

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I’m not a “boomer” but if I had to pick between being a boomer and being someone who feels so entitled to have things handed to them then I’d go with a boomer. :slight_smile:

Go earn stuff.

entitled to have things handed to them
boomer eyes unable to see the three characters with rank 3 BIS essences on them

ok boomer.

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Already did it twice!

OP did it 3 times!

What about you?

Until then…

Ok boomer.

Well, now is your time to shine on the third time!


The best thing is you quite literally used the boomer argument and I don’t think you even meant to

Kids these days want everything handed to them

Can’t even make these things up, keep it up boomer we’re on our way to 250 posts soon.

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You should thank me for the bump then instead of trying to talk silly. Without me adding some flavor there would only be you and that undead guy mindlessly bumping the thread each day. Sure is crowded in here…

I’m just glad you’re so invested in here that you’ve forgotten to log on any of your mains yet.

Like swapping characters is very easy

Some might say, too easy.

Like you literally only have to click three times to swap mains. Do you need some assistance?


we love account wide essences

You two, or four, might love them. The rest of us don’t.