Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

Finally your first post in here

And of course it says nothing but pointless remarks.

Care to actually contribute or are you ready to strawman for 300 posts?

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I don’t think their comment is a strawman exactly. They just appear to be ignorant to the fact that you don’t have to be the best of the best to want to try and be the best.

I think we have established yes that people are agaisn’t respec cost, I never met anyone that was glad that azerith cost gold to respec or that you had to pay gold to respec your spec before(and now you’re gonna say you do?xd). And I think it’s clear that any time requirement to switch will just cause people to quit because they can’t play how they want, or cause for more determined players to make alts of the same classes.

God I can’t wait to quote you in a few months or two years when they finally change the system and you can go on holiday for a few weeks.


I don’t really like costs for things. Hell I love things being free but I also understand the need for costs. And how in some instances having a cost on things makes those things feel more meaningful.

Throwback to when Essences was our biggest problem…


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Sounds like a game I quit. WoD 2.0. Fotm reroller/ raid logger utopia.

… Yes so the same fallacy I have already explained. Choices are only meaningful if you let them be. If I have 50M gold I don’t care about gold cost, it’s just annoying. And if there’s a time involvment then I can just make alts to dodge it.


Sure but you still had to spend an investment in those alts. So you didn’t really dodge the cost you just redirect it.

As for things only being meaningful if you let them be… That is just some philosophical mumbo jumbo. Like saying evil is only evil if you believe it to be. So therefor evil isn’t a thing.

Philosphical mumbo jumbo is what people make their choice based on most of the time, so I wouldn’t say it’s something you can ignore. So unless you present another philosophy that would defend your point then you’re pretty much just going in circle for me. And trolling at this point.

And yes I still have to spend time on those alts, it all depend if the time invesment to do them is worse or not but still that shouldn’t be a solution as far as design go. Class should be the main choice and decide 90% of your output, races about 5% at best and whatever thing they add each expansion should just be cherry on top. Because I play this game to play my class firstly not a covenant.


If you are done discussing this with me you can just state so and we can agree to disagree. No reason to go around and calling me a troll because we have a strong difference in opinion.

You’re going in circle that’s my point. I have declined each of your reason at this point.

Just say I like covenants being locked and just end it.
Because I can’t stop you from liking what you want.
But if you come here to blame other people from having a different opinion then I will be there at everyturn to throw back what you throw.


So long as you understand my intent is not to shut down or shut out peoples opinions but rather to voice my own. If I remain silent and these changes are made I would feel like a complete tool for not representing myself.

You can voice your opinion as liking something, but if you argue with people the way you do you actually do yourself a disservice. You don’t need to argue to say why you like something. If anything a lot of your post like a lot of people that are pro covenants being locked are spiteful toward a part of the community, and like them they often don’t have answer because they rely on feelings more. Which is basicly what I said, if you like something I can’t remove that from you so there’s no use arguing about it.


Which kinda sums up the most of them.

I don’t mythic raid but why do they get the easy way out!!


There haven’t been any meaningful choices in game since Aldor vs Scryer and the old talent trees.

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Buddy you’re not fooling anyone, the old talent trees are the worst example in the whole game you could have picked as a “meaningful choice”.

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Ah yes the old talent trees that got revamped and nobody ever looked back because spending gold to swap talents was ridiculous.

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No what you are describing is a long term choice. We make meaningful decisions many time a day when we play.

A meaningful choice would be something like, do I take soul of the forest, tree form or cultivation? That’s meaningful as it will inform my gameplay and make a difference to what I am about to do. It let’s me plan for what’s about to come and make informed decisions based on prior knowledge of the content.

What you are describing is making one decision right at the start of the expansion and then spending the next 2 years hoping you got it right and hoping you didn’t get it too right so that they nerf it like they did with certain azerite traits and corruption.

If bfa has shown us anything its that they will not be tuned to within a few % of each other upon release and will require nerds and buffs later. To use corruption as the most recent example let’s say you hit the jackpot and really liked the one you pick aesthetically and it also gives gushing wounds. You would be about to get a 35% nerf to the thing you chose months ago and have been working on your soul binds etc with ever since.

Even if you get one that doesn’t get changed you only get to make 1 decision for the whole expansion then your done. No more decisions for you.


Thought i had a meaningful choice when i picked my class and race combination :frowning: