Account banned for no reason

Here’s a potential thought.

A lot of the people in this thread have mentioned that they spend a lot of time farming. Have you at any point had multiple accounts and used key passthrough software to control the other accounts?

The policies were recently changed to disallow this, where it used to be allowed (if unsupported) to broadcast your keystrokes to another instance of the game as long as it was one keypress = one action. That fact that it changed may have flown under the radar of many people who mostly just putter around in the game doing their own thing and don’t frequently view news updates and announcements.

If you have key passthrough software like ISBoxer or Levelbuddy, you’re probably going to want to delete it off your system entirely even if you’re not actively using it.

Just a theory.


You didn’t get banned for fishing.
Due to the time it takes to investigate an account, people are practically never banned for something they just did.
It is common, however, to be banned for something done days, or even weeks, in the past.


Well I didn’t do anything in the past either. I know you have no reason to trust my word since I’m just some random person on the internet to you but I have never used a hack or cheat. I haven’t even done much this expansion. My only raid progress so far is five bosses on normal with a pug and a few mythics with guildies.

Already done and hoping it will get reversed. I know I didn’t do anything wrong so if I can’t get my account back I will just stop playing. I’m not going to risk more money on a game that bans me for nothing. The only outside programs I have been using are WoWUp to update my addons and Warcraft Logs Updater.

I’m almost positive nobody said that.


“Customer Support” does not mean “I’m a customer, support me.”

Blizzard has not changed how they handle account actions, except that they do suspensions a lot more often now than outright bans. The process to appeal has always been through the ticketing system. You have never been able to argue your appeal with a GM or over the phone. Every appeal is looked at by a different person.

You can appeal until they say they will no longer look into the issue. Posting about it in the forums will not reverse the suspension/ban.


All I said was blizz messes up some times, they are human too it happens maybe they are not wrong but to say they are right all the time is dumb

Remember back in the day where everyone and their dog file tickets for meaningless things, like getting killed in PVP, not getting loot someone else wanted, whining to the GMs because you felt like yelling at someone?


Your memories are bit cloudy, I remember ticket times lasting two week or so because people would be asking GMs to do stuff they cannot do or tell them a joke.


Since we are going down memory lane? Remember the Real ID “troubles”. I guess they listened to the player or you would be using your real name on these forums. How about Transmogging, that was a popular player request, I guess they didn’t listen either…

How about Classic WoW.

In more recent events, didn’t they just just nerf Sub Rogues in PvP due to player feedback?

I can go on…


Listening doesn’t mean asking how high to jump. Just because you feel you’re entitled to something, doesn’t mean you are. More to the point, using “back in the day” as a reason to act like this won’t win folks over or get the blues to do what you want.


The development team != the support team.

Telling you what you don’t want to hear is not trolling. If you want to complain about “Blizzard doesn’t listen” Make use of General Discussion

Sure. There was a phone line for Billing, Account Access (lost Authenticator/password/etc), and some Tech Support. To get into the phone queue you had to speed dial over and over and over. Then IF you got in, you would wait up to 2 hours to talk to a rep.

Now they have Live Chat and Phone Callback IF your issue is one live support can help with.

This eliminates long hold times and calls that were not appropriate for Phone Support such as appeals, bug reports, game hints, game suggestions, and general complaints. Those are to be handled via ticket, or via the game suggestion features/forums. They always have been.

Now (when we don’t have a pandemic and work form home) those who actually can be helped by live support are far more likely to get it.

No. I remember the forums always being filled with people complaining. What made one group happy made someone else upset.


They have live chat for 3 hours a day, and it’s not even available any day. No live chat today it seems, because you have to go through a maze of questions to find an option that lets you live chat.

That is true I wish there was a better or faster way to get ahold of support, a better chat system would be nice

You have never been able to talk with someone about a ban or suspension.

I remember when players actually have new and original comments. Not rehashed and lame comments like yours.

So why are you posting in Customer Support? Customer Support doesn’t make the policies., they just follow them. Customer Support doesn’t direct the Hacks team.

Yes, you are. An unoriginal one at that.

You can’t appeal a suspension/ban through Live Chat. The ones who handle account actions can only be contacted through the ticket system.


Why do you need live chat? If it’s to appeal a suspension, don’t bother, Live Chat doesn’t do appeals. You do know we are still in the middle of a pandemic?

The issues I’m having aren’t ban related. I’m a good boy.

I just want a better system for everything not appeals I understand they take time