"Accessibility" vs "I don't want to learn"

I agree with that but not for the reason you’d think.

It only takes about 30 minutes to get all the glyphs. So why bother giving people a clunky version if they can replace it in half an hour? You get a bad impression and no progression.

The bad impression already made me stop leveling.

My thing is the glyphs are there to help with dragon riding, gives you something to maneuver to etc to help with the learning curve.

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oh man, you gonna get flamed so bad

That is a very true statement.

I don’t understand why this got flagged, but it is true. Personally, I am LOVING dragon riding. I just got to the point where I can sustain it by nose-diving to speed up and get my vigor charges back so I can Skyward Ascent and repeat. I’m having a blast. I love the fact that flying is an active skill in the new expansion. Love it.

I think a lot of the pushback comes from WoW players who are used to the extremely low skill floor WoW offers and aren’t used to actually practicing things.

Like, you hear a lot of players argue over learning the basics of their spec, not optimization but basics. Then they get presented with something that requires them to learn the basics to continue and they’re not used to that. A lot of players are used to logging in, doing world content or LFR and pressing whatever button lights up on their bars. Being forced to get an actual grip on something is going to grate these kinds of players.

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I’m above average skill in terms of the content I’ve cleared and dragon riding isn’t my thing at all. Though maybe I could get better at it if it didn’t make me feel like throwing up.


I was nauseous from the prepatch so I feel you. As long as the framerate is good and constant im usually fine. Screen stuttering and audio delay are the worst offenders

“Wow, what thing to say.”
_ William Shatner

Oh yeah, that was a neat quest. I noticed it was a lot less ‘select a target and press a button’ and more you actually have to aim at targets kind of thing. I enjoyed that quest.


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Rebinding turn left/right to arrows and pitch up/down to arrows has been a godsend for dragon flying.

For years, keyboard turners and clickers like me have been ruthlessly mocked, and now is my time in the glorious updrafts.

It’s actually the most fun I’ve had so far lol. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

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This happens every expansion. There will be a group of people that hate everything about it, complain, but still get all the achievements and stuff it has to offer.

If there’s a specific toggle for dragon riding wind effect, I haven’t seen it. I do have keep character centered/reduced camera motion turned on and no camera shake. My fps is generally between 60 and 120 depending on where I am/what I’m doing.

Trust me, when you get the glyphs, you’ll never want to do old flying ever again, the ONE thing you may want to use it for is hovering in midair.

By far the most important skills are the ones that improve your vigor regen when moving fast, it essentially goes: glorified glider > actually usable as a flying mount > Ultra fast mount that never needs to land and you regen vigor faster than you can spend it

IIRC its under alternate full screen effects and it basically turns the massive full screen white line effect into a really small white bit just centered around the mount itself. It basically removes the white streak animation and I found that it feels that the wind effect on the mount when your going ‘max speed’ is significantly less stretchy particle shenanigans

Edit : if anything they probably should have a extra settings that lets you toggle the wind effect to reduce it even more if necessary. Also, does it get worse when you fly ultra fast at the ground and then the camera stops? Some people have an issue with that as well

the irony in this one

I don’t like DF. I play Guild Wars 2 and really enjoy the gliding and flying systems there, even though I died more often than I want to admit when I was first learning to glide, and it took me awhile to get the mechanics right on the springer mount. All of this was still challenging in a good way, interesting, and fun.

But I don’t enjoy DF. It has nothing to do with ‘claiming a disability’, ‘refusal to learn’, and obviously is not because I’ve failed to experience flight in other games. I just don’t like it. I don’t understand why that fact gets some of you so upset and defensive. It has nothing to do with YOUR enjoyment of the game. I’m glad you enjoy DF, I honestly am.

I just wish I didn’t have to do it and wish Blizz would simply offer the choice between regular mounts and DF. Why is that such a problem for some of you to accept?