"Accessibility" vs "I don't want to learn"

The toggle under Accessibility–>General? It says it “modifies certain full screen effects to help reduce photosensitivity issues”. Not sure what exactly that menas! I’ll test it out, though I don’t want to reduce other effects not related to dragonriding if I can avoid it (I like my game shiny haha).

The swinging ups and downs are the worst part, such as when you press the 2 button. Also how you can’t really pause unless you land, so the strain from the visual effects combined with the constant turning the camera around/up/down just to keep going. I’m hoping that as I get better, I can find ways to dragonride that minimize the eyestrain leading to the sickness. >_<

yes that modifies certtain full screen effects one.

yes, it is super easy. I still don’t like it for a few very specific reasons I’ve mentioned on other threads, namely: can’t strafe, you fall straight down when you dismount so you can’t “throw” yourself forward like you can on regular mounts, and they have a ridiculously large turning radius so they turn much slower than I typically move my mouse. I get that, as others have said “these are dragons they take time to turn”–but that doesn’t make me like it. If blizzard wanted realism in turning, they’d have big turning radius on the ground too.


None of these people seem to be able to process the idea people just don’t like it. It’s always because you’re just bad.


I’ve a good feeling 99% people crying “but muh accessibility for disabled folks!” are just lazy.

These people just want to put their characters on auto-run while they alt-tab to their Netflix shows.

Dragonriding is great. It breathes some life into traversing the world, it’s more engaging, the dragon customisation is nice and more importantly, it’s significantly faster than regular flying.

Blizzard should not cave in to those who are lazy and jaded.


or think that being “thematic” is reason enough that you should like it when it is less functional (can’t hover being another reason)

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I don’t actually care about being able to fly. I’m fine with a ground mount.


Rule one: use a mouse. Rule 2: pres down both mouse buttons at once. Rule three: don’t use an apple 1 button mouse.

Problem solved.

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Well. some guy on another thread was saying how difficult it is to push 3 buttons. I mean, I can’t imagine how he plays the game or does mechanics. Then continued to find every excuse to blame the game instead of his ineptness. He even used “Alt tab to spotify” or “do something more interesting” as an excuse, because “AFK” riding is “fun.” Basically he had no legitimate reason other than the sake of he is bored.


-Auto run- problem solved.

That is why he didn’t like DR, he can’t Autorun.


You can if you are gliding at a slight downward angle, definitely long enough to alt tab to spotify.

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Tbh, I think he just was looking for a reason to complain. Nothing he said made sense, and reminded me of that one guy who screams at the cashier because he got a pickle on his burger, instead of just flicking it off.

Yeah I was agreeing with you that he had options and just making excuses.

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stop, I am an ally and I hate dragon riding.

The only legitimate reason you need is you don’t enjoy something. Everything beyond that is just jackasses like you wanting to feel superior.


Quoted for posterity.

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I find it interesting that so many people seem to think that the only possible reason you might not enjoy the new dragon-riding mechanics is because you haven’t learned them. Different people enjoy different things and play games for different reasons. Person A loves first-person shooter games, Person B does not. Some people simply do not enjoy the dragon-flying - not because they don’t know how to do it, but simply because it is not something they would choose to do, if given a choice. It is introducing a new mechanic into WoW that is unrelated to the reasons people have played this game for years, and that is fine, but people don’t really like being forced to do something they don’t enjoy. Give people both flying options - old and new. I would guess that many people who don’t love dragon-flying will take advantage of the dragon-flying speed (and appreciate it) when it is not forced on them and they can still go vertical and hover at will, without having to pay attention to vigor.


Like a good artist should wipe out the one thing he loves ,but if it practically that it is useful he has doom himself.

people who can’t play those other games may have been playing WoW and this change makes it hard. Don’t assume people with disabilities are all the same and that a person with ‘x’ disability is playing those games.