"Accessibility" vs "I don't want to learn"

Also think about this.

This flying is so much enjoyed by the player base. Picture the next expansion. Do you think they are really going to move on from this flight system because of how many players enjoy it?

The thing is, they do not have to sacrifice their loyal player base in order to appeal to a newer crowd. There is room for both. Flying is the perfect example of this. Allow people who enjoy things like DR to enjoy that aspect of the game, and allow people who might have issues with it or not find it fun to just fly their regular mounts.

They could even… wait for it… create a piece of mount equipment that allows flying in the DI :open_mouth: What a concept :open_mouth:

Like how a small group of people cried about World PvP being broken cause flying mounts. Or how flying makes the world small. We got flying taken away and locked behind pathfinder for what 4 xpacs because that group cried enough to get blizzard attention.

Seriously I miss just paying for flight unlock. I’m just happy I can fly again and right away. I will take dragon riding over pathfinder any day.

You forgot that it is racist and transphobic. :wink:

Stop letting fake culture war outrage get in the way of your enjoyment of the game.


So it’s ok to exclude people with disabilities but please don’t ever exclude LGBT+. That community had to be held like little water in your hand. Everyone has the same right


So having disabled people in the game dilutes their vision of a coherent game.

No. The most cited criticisms during the first week turn out to be long-term problematic.

During wod players thought leveling was great and posted endlessly about it the first week. After doing it once, they started to look for alternatives (most of which have been removed because Blizzard doesn’t like player options) and did anything to avoid leveling their characters.

By the end of the month is was clear what the major problems with the expansion were. Garrisons were hecka boring. There was nothing to do in the world. Without flying, there was no point in going out.

Despite a massive number of trolling threads, players never got used to the idea of flight being removed forever, and left in a massive wave when Blizzard announced they’d been lying and never intended to bring back flight. Players who had only been hanging on waiting for flight left, as well as those who never liked pathfinder being forced on them as fake content.

If you trolls are here working hard to try to change the attitude of the playerbase at large, you have already failed. Even if you influence one person, the playerbase never hears your bloviations, accusations, and insults. This has never worked, yet somehow the cycle repeats itself so it fails again.

Why design a good game when trolls in the forum can mind control unhappy players?

No, but game features should not always cater to players if the developers and leaders don’t enjoy the design of flying and think they can do better. Why should they be held back by select few?

I just want a story without all the extra.


If by sacrificing they player base you mean getting rid of old things in the game, then I think they do if they want to make it to 30.

I don’t think there is.

How does blizzard build a seamless way in the game to explain to a brand new player, that…

“there is this old form of flying from 2006 that is like swimming in the air and that there is this new physics based flying, they are both totally different and you can do them both, but only with certain mounts. Like four of them do the new one but all the others do the old one and they are both in the same list in your collections tab”

That leaves a new player, who is trying to decide if they even want to spend the time to learn to play this game with the feeling of

“yea, this totally makes sense and is intuitive”

I was talking about having two versions of flight in the game, not the differently abled. You know that and your bad faith use of people with disabilities as a weapon on a forum thread discussion is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.

I’m not a gamer. I play exactly 2 games and have never even heard of any of the games you mentioned. I don’t know what an RTS or ARGP is.

I play WOW and not other games because I like wow and the controls in wow and have no interest in the other systems or games. So comparing a system I don’t like to games I don’t play just makes you look oblivious and ignorant of how other people experience life.

That would be a negative ghost rider… That would be your cognitive bias projecting itself… I believe all people regardless of race, color or sexual orientation should be able to be miserable just like everyone else.


There really isn’t true disabled representation in the game.

Could easily put it in - I mean there are dozens of references within 15 minutes of playing DF to other social progressively feel good moments - just saying.

However, back to the other disability issue. I have a friend who is trying to play WoW with a controller cause he has some severe nerve damage and it’s hard for him to play on Keyboard/Mouse combo or whatever.

So, I can say it doesn’t have accessibility friendly options or alternatives to the Expansions features.

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Would doing ground mount and then something like the whistle we had in Legion to get to higher spots for quests that requires the dragon riding work?

You didn’t parse high enough.

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I know what you’re saying, I just disagree with some of your assumptions.

I believe the burden should be on the developers to accommodate both player bases.

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It would for me.

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Hot damn you really have to audacity to claim that muh flying is why WoD failed.

Actually she hated that I played games like this and didn’t spend my time fawning over her… Didn’t last long. Don’t ever get into a relationship with someone who wants to control your down time.