Access to Stonetalon Mountains is completely blockced

I took liberty into making two separate videos, in how to get to the Talondeep Path and the Barrens, unharmed and unflagged. Both of these videos will be “Unlisted”. As in, you won’t be able to search for them without the direct links, from me. I’m not here to benefit from YT money. Only here to show how to access both the Talondeep Path and the Barrens, from Ashenvale.

Why would you want to go through Stonetalon Mountains, just to get to the Barrens? There’s a much easier way to do this, from Ashenvale without worrying about getting flagged.

If you get too close to them than yes. Keep your distance, and you will be fine.

Incorrect. There’s a tunnel from Ashenvale that takes you directly to Stonetalon Mountains. No Horde blocking it, either. I have a video, of myself, going through it (from Astranaar): Skip to 2:48, if you want to see me, right at the tunnel and not watch 2:48 of me walking from Astranaar, to that point.

That’s the pathway to the Barrens. I have another video, showing how to “bypass” (as in walking around it) this, as well: Skip over to 5:32, to see me at the actual fork, instead of watching me take 5:32 of my time walking from Astranaar to the fork. Also, I show how far enough of a distance to be, in order to not gain aggro from both mobs and guards. Not once did I aggro, anything.

Incorrect. I did all of this, on this very Character. She’s only Level 21. The perfect level for this “Level 20” Quest and still managed to get to these places, unharmed and unflagged.

Incorrect. My recordings are directly from Classic. Recorded this very Character, today, in Classic, showing exactly how to get to these places. Including others, who are having difficulty.

This isn’t true. Part of the fun is finding out new things. I’ve been playing this game since 2006. I didn’t know that there’s a tunnel linking the two crypts, in Duskwood, until I was grouped with people, and we were exploring and found it. This was in Classic. You learn something new, everyday.

I’m not on the same server, as you, so I cannot do this. What I can do is post the videos, of my character (this Avatar) doing it. This is my proof. No special addons, wall jumping nor Private Server required.

Um, anyone can record themselves using a video recorder playing any game. There’s this program called FRAPS which is what I used, recording myself playing Classic and getting to said destinations. It’s not a Private Server.

My videos are proof. I entered the game and recorded myself going to those destinations. Not everyone will be on your same server. I’m on Bloodsail. You’re on Atiesh.

My Avatar is the same Character, in my videos. You cannot post on your Private Server Characters, on these forums. I recorded, myself, today, for this thread, specifically. It’s to show it’s very much indeed, available in Classic.

Just follow the exact same route, I did, in my videos, and you’ll get there in Classic. You, obviously, took a wrong turn, somewhere. Refusing to go to your server, away from my server, in order for you to follow a dot (which is no different than following a route, from a video) is hardly “making an excuse”. You’re just refusing to accept any other form of help other than somebody meeting up with you, specifically. You need to learn to things on your own, sometimes. Somebody can’t always come to your rescue. Also, some advice, try not to call your help “liars”, while you’re trying to get help. It just makes people, not want to help you.


Bruh someone already made a character and showed him in game the path.

Not only that he;s been forum banned so you’re wasting your time doubly with this post.

Threads get necro’d, from time to time. Wouldn’t surprise me to see this thread get brought back to life, in the future. To avoid somebody else creating a character in order to show somebody else where to go, at least there will be videos showing where to go. Not everybody regulates these forums, like some of us. They tend to use Google, for their issues and have no concept of time passing, for certain topics.

yeah it does. I just used it again on a lowbie alt on Saturday.

Its there, end of story.

Because there are a handful of quests along the way. Why not grab the easy XP while making the trip down there?

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Clearly a video from a private server. Nice try. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Did Fliction get his pathing even after mayatau created a lvl 2 toon and took him there? Why is this still a thread? at this point there is pohot proof of a player helping OP find this tunnel yet the OP is still coming in here being combative, complaing about people providing him with informatio nwhich he now knwos to be true, and just blatantly /ignoring random people because they refuse to make a toon on your server to show you this one path? If that were your original goal why didnt you post this on your server forum or discord. Instead you asked a bunch of forum users to provide you with information which you disregarded and called them liars…soooo im confused possibly or this OP is a super troll

if you think he is fun in the forum you should see the way he is in game. Its a riot. Goes off on people for saying DPS LFG. to him that means “Stat looking for guild” and nothing you say will change his mind. to him DPS is a stat not a roll or build…and everyone else is wrong. had fun with him for hours in city and various zones the past few days with this same type of stuff.

Perhaps, back then, he couldn’t find his way out of the starting zone.

It must be difficult shaving when you can’t look in the mirror.

Are you a troll? Cause I have never played on a private server and used the tunnel many times leveling my alts.