Access to Stonetalon Mountains is completely blockced

Journey to Stonetalon Peak
look it up on wowhead
quest is yellow at 18, green at 21.


:one-handed clapping:


You’re a winner! Any bets on how many people we can get ignored before the account is banned for trolling?


Oh, and here’s the warrior I’m a liar about having, so you can ignore me in-game too and never ask me to tank for you.

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Your little derailment tactics don’t matter here. This is about people talking but cannot seem to prove anything.

So yes anyone that can’t prove it, gets ignored. Simple as that.

People in MMO’s love talking and creating problems which is fine…but all they do is show themselves to be incompetent.

Why would anyone you lied to, ever want you to tank is the actual question.

I think you need to look again. I always roll alliance, and I’ve used the tunnel many times. Just head as far south as you can from Astranaar, hug the southern wall, and head east. You’ll eventually see the entrance on your right (to the south).

What guards are you talking about here? Do you mean the border between Thousand Needles and the Barrens? That is a PITA, and when I can I bypass the guard by slow-falling or levitating off the cliff. On my hunter I was able to run to the spot by the elevator before feigning death. I didn’t even get flagged for PvP because I wasn’t fighting back. Once the guards dropped aggro, I was able to wait for the elevator. In the worst case, you just suicide off the cliff and spirit walk back to your corpse at the bottom of the cliff. There are many ways to bypass this limitation.

This is another solution.

This was unnecessary. Just give the guards a wide berth, jump off the cliff, and cast slow fall. No corpse walking necessary for mages.

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“I can’t find it so it was on private servers only, and if you say differently, you’re trolling.”

Well, I’ve never been on a private server, and have run 4 of my tunes through it in this version to get the FP in stonetallon and desolace. You were even shown a map.

My advice… Get Good

Edit, and I’m on your server, stop giving us a bad name


Ah ah. You CALLED me a liar. That doesn’t mean I lied. However, you’re right about one part of that. Why would I ever want to tank for someone who wrongly calls me a liar? /ignore Fliction-Atiesh

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All i did was ask for in game proof and all of you refuse to do it and instead just sit behind a keyboard and make excuses.

It’s either:
1. Yes I’ll show you in game
2. No I don’t which is shown by making excuses or saying no.

Option 2 makes you a lair. If you get mad or offended about that then don’t reply.

Why any of you are making a huge deal out of this is ridiculous. This isn’t really anything to debate or have a discussion about.

Don’t talk about yourself lol

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No, I was referring to the entrance from Stonetalon into the Barrens which is where I thought OP was getting killed, but turns out OP is a troll, so I’m not interested in figuring it out anymore.


Got news for you, You have no freaking clue what the F you are talking about.


Toasting in a quality bread


This is good



Ive made it into Faerlina Barrens through that route Graff described a couple times, even as a slow non stealthy dorf.

The advice to get to Ratchet is great, too. Good luck, OP.

Tunnel? In 15yrs I missed a tunnel??? Had no idea. New goal. Lowbie corpse tunnel run to park at Org mailbox in times of duty

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Please tell me you have more screenshots, this is too good.

From your character’s point of view, and its location, on the map, there’s a cut through spot on the left, and you won’t go through Horde Guards, if you choose to go through the Barrens, instead of the tunnel. Mobs are around level 20.

There’s a tunnel from Ashenvale to Stonetalon Mountains: Mobs around the tunnel are in their 20s.

'Cause even my derpy self (the one who found out about talent points at level 20) found the tunnel, back in the day. Explore the wonderful world of Azeroth more.


I’ll bite.

You really expect someone to roll a toon on your server, get it to the proper level to make it to the tunnel without dying repeatedly, and hold your hand all the way through? Instead of just looking again since so many people insist it’s there?


BTW it’s there. I took it recently.

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Omg this is epic. I am waaaay too lazy to indulge this guy myself, but it’s amazing that you took the time to do so. He still probably won’t believe you, but at least we all enjoyed the ride.