Abuse of Toys and RP servers:

Yeah,op, i’ve seen it too it is really bright but to disable our toys is like an adult telling kids you can’t have any fun.

I don’t see why OP’s suggestion is causing such issues with the moronic, cave dwellers of GD. What’s the problem with adding logs to see who drops a toy and letting people /ignore trollscumbag, removing all emote/toy interaction when they get /ignore.


What’s your guild?

You’re not exactly being helpful now to those you claim to help by saying “Oh there is multiple ingame options”. Nobody can magically understand what you’ve said there. Even if you said video, you still haven’t said anything other then “Oh it’s in video… i won’t specify which option in video, but it’s in video!..”.

Either list off the examples, or you don’t know about the multiple ingame options you’re talking about. It’s really not that hard. :man_shrugging:

Thank you Kegeo. :slight_smile:

That’s not really a decent suggestion since that will create another problem of not seeing in the dark.

Especially since it’s gonna be removed or disappear on one side (the RPer’s side), while everybody else will still see and interact with the RPer as normal and the RPer go on as normal.

I hate to use “this is a video game” argument, but this isn’t real life where all you have to do is go to another place to ignore them, this is a video game where it’s possible to have this sort of thing here. :confused:

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lol, you can’t say that. It could be a minor change will make the difference for them - especially when they are using the default or suggested settings like they say. Those settings are never intended for people with specific eyesight issues.

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I cant be the only one that ones mind was in the gutter on this

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I already did. And it’s just as allowed as your suggestion.

Your suggesting people to turn down their monitor settings (for one toy i might add) and now they have another problem which they can’t see in the dark once that over-brightness problem is solved.

You’re trying to put this idea into people’s heads without giving it some thought that it will create another problem while trying to solve the initial problem. Hence why my suggestion on either toggling the lights on and off with the toys (more options), or the neural silencer idea that has a range that makes toys and people disappear in the similar fashion to pet battle phases whenever somebody is in the pet battle.

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Yes. Yes. No one placing a single puffer outside could see the issue.

That’s why there were screenshots in the original posts that showed when you had 5 or more dropped in an enclosed space it was insanely blinding. This is where the griefing aspect comes in. It’s not a single puffer out in the wild.


People like me that don’t play on RP servers and barely use toys? Not sure how that’s possible.

The “trolling” is other people having fun…
If you want to play privately with other people then quit being entitled and go find a quiet spot that is… private. :partying_face:

It’s not actually uncommon. I’ve also gotten the whole real life threat thing as well.

Rumor is that the answer is no, they dont care. Honestly, as long as it’s in GS then it’s not a problem.

Screw you, OP! My character is a train enthusiast! And I will spread my love of trains wherever I please!

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Hmm. I was taught that if my “fun” comes at the expense of others, I should rethink my actions.


Please. Log out. Go outside.

I mean, hey, common courtesy there.

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Pack Starhowl, it’s a worgen wolfcult guild dedicated to the belief of various wolf-gods with Goldrinn as the primarch of all wolves and worgen just being worgen form full-time, unfortunately the vast majority of the guild wanted to end up taking a break for the patch at bare minimum given the state of the expansion :frowning:

That and I’m incapable of running guild events consistantly.

You can throw trains down all you want, they nerfed it so it doesn’t force people to use /train anymore so go for it. Can’t tell if the ‘screw you OP’ is intended to be serious though. Kinda rude if it is

I am not disputing your right to say that. I am disputing your ability to ascertain that on behalf of someone else. Of course, you should have been able to understand that based on the rest of my statement but maybe reading the rest of that was hard.

Im role player and I get Aural Migraines and Scintillating Scotoma when suddenly encountering bright lights like that red one. If you Google Scintillating Scotoma, you can see what it looks like for me when its triggered. This usually lasts anywhere from 25 minutes to 45 minutes and I cant do anything while its going on. Thats because its really hard to see. After it runs its course, I have a migraine of a varying level for the rest of the day and night.
Is it okay that someone can spam for no reason stuff like that bright red light and it harasses players? Or like me, triggers a condition? Me dealing with this, is that being dramatic? I dont think so.

so…don’t use the red iridescent pufferfish on you?

As an avid roleplayer the only time this is an issue is when people spam the bioluminescent jelly/iridescent puffer toy that makes the entire room red in major RP hotspots (the slaughtered lamb on moonguard, for example), so I really hope they just remove that toy. Outside of that, it isn’t as big of a deal.