Abuse of Toys and RP servers:

Can we get a right-click report option for this - and some form of chat history to note who’s using certain toys?

If you can right-click and mass-squelch a guy who made a joke in Trade Chat, we should be able to right-click and disable someone’s ability to use vanity items for a bit, until a GM can respond. And DESPAWN any toys they’ve spawned.

I just had a situation where someone was throwing down so many colored flairs and items that I had to minimize the game because I couldn’t look at the screen, because it hurt my eyes. And my glasses have protection from blue light and glare.

(Went to Goldshire - since people spam toys there to get a screenshot of this. I don’t know what toy it is, but when five of these are active at once, it blinds me)

And for those of you who do not know? RP servers have their own terms of use.

Using toys (physical and environmental abuse) to harass roleplayers - is against the terms of use there.

For those of you who think I’m joking:

Old Policy - they forgot to update it with the site:


Role Play-Specific Verbal/Physical Harassment

This category includes:

  • Players that specifically target Role Players for verbal/physical abuse (not limited to offensive language)

If a player is found to be targeting Role Players with the specific intent to harass, he/she may:

  • Be temporarily suspended from the game

If you’re talking about the kick ball, use the neural silencer. Or don’t be in a party with that person.

No. You seriously don’t want that. That will bite you back.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Where does in the RP ToS said that?

Plus toys can help with RP as well. In leiu of actions to perform via slash at anytime to provide something more visual, you have these toys to help with that.


You can report people for RP griefing, I think you select one of the options and type that into the box. Saying this as someone who has dealt with that a LOT in the past, and that’s what I’ve been told to do. Get other people whose roleplay is being disrupted to do the same. “Cheating” I think is the option?

As per Blizzard ToS:
“Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.”

Yes, roleplay griefing is against terms, and can be reported, so no, people should not be pretending it’s fine because “haha let’s annoy roleplayers for the fun of it”.


Old Policy - they forgot to update it with the site:


Role Play-Specific Verbal/Physical Harassment

This category includes:

  • Players that specifically target Role Players for verbal/physical abuse (not limited to offensive language)

If a player is found to be targeting Role Players with the specific intent to harass, he/she may:

  • Be temporarily suspended from the game

This is actually a reason I went to Wyrmrest from Moon Guard. Too many streamers and jerks finding two people roleplaying and just littering the area with toys and environmental annoyances to be, well, jerks.

The kickball has been demoted. It’s about the Safari Chair and Environmental Toys that last 2-3 minutes and placing them over roleplayers just minding their own business in Stormwind/Orgrimmar now.


I just think instead of reporting people, we should campaign for something different, like the parties having their own phases for RP in a sandbox sort of setting if they want. Or have the Neural silencer have an invisible area around that player that make those items (Also the mounts and players if they desire that option) disappear for them within 30 ft. And reappear for them outside of that “bubble”.


I think you should bring your concerns to the Lord Regent of the Alliance instead of the forums.

If you know what I mean.

Sure, they can. That’s why there’d be a log. The guy throwing down enough things to give someone epileptic seizures rightfully deserves the squelch.

I just had a situation where someone was throwing down so many colored flairs and items that I had to minimize the game because I couldn’t look at the screen, because it hurt my eyes. And my glasses have protection from blue light and glare.


THAT is a good idea. I like it.


That’s fair enough. I have thrown up a couple of suggestions that won’t impede on people using these toys.

I also think their should also be a slider in the options to limit the light mixing, if it’s possible for this sort of engine.

I should also put in “Make the neural silencer a toy with no CD and infinite duration until clicked off, persist though death and logout”.

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A sort of ‘log’ for this sort of thing would be super helpful for when people actually investigate it, because it does happen, and it’s really annoying. Also someone’s own phase doesn’t help with it occurring during public roleplay events and such.

I know roleplay isn’t for everyone and is somewhat something everyone in this community makes fun of on a regular basis, but it’s really not necessary to grief with toys, like seriously. Would be nice if people could mind their own business and let people have their own fun without spamming toys.

I kind of wish the ‘ignore’ function also just turned off any visuals of toys they put down too, as a matter of fact. That would help this problem quite a bit.

Nah the problem isn’t really that they use the toys, they spam a BUNCH of them on top of roleplayers, or stand on top of them with big mounts (usually both if outside) to disrupt roleplay. They’re not doing it for fun, it’s pretty much a way people bother roleplayers in general. Not as common I think? At least when I actually played the game? But it can get bad if a group are doing it.


Imagine a bar being so filled with red light that I couldn’t even see the outline of my character. That just happened.

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/Puts mounts and players in that suggestion as well. :memo:

Oh trust me, I know. People did that to my guild years ago and spammed that nonsense. It’s infuriating.

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Once again, it wouldn’t help public roleplay, most trying to play in cities aren’t in parties. This is a problem in a public roleplay setting usually, where character [a] is trying to interact with/meet other characters they’ve never met before. Like in real life and going out to the park/bar/party and such.

Edit: And the griefers would just toggle that setting on to continue to grief. While I think it’s a great suggestion and like it a lot, it’s not the point of the thread, which is pointing out the issues with people who go out of their way to grief roleplayers.

If /ignore also ignored any visuals someone else did, that would solve it, though.


Sounds like a problem with the toy

I assume this means while they are in the middle of RPing, were you in the middle of RPing?

Well i don’t want to suggest something that takes away, punish any or all people for or be used against you. :man_shrugging:

Roleplay griefers should be punished. That’s why there’s a report function, and that’s why you can indeed report for it. It is seriously uncool to go out of your (not you you, people in general) way and harass someone in their own gameplay.

That said, the suggestion in OP might be a bit much, but I feel the best way to fix that is just having /ignore completely remove the character visually from you as well. I wish it did, because it would fix a number of problems.


I get that griefing is a bad thing, and it should definitionally be on that person who is doing the griefing. Sure.

But with the right click reporting for RP griefing suggestion that OP said, who wouldn’t say it would be used against them? They can go up to the RP’ers and if they go away from them or tell them to stop, the griefer can say “You’re messing with my RP! i’m RPing with you!” then reports them. This is why i disagree with it, because it might not solve the problem and only worsens it.

I think what OP said was understandable. I mean not everybody’s eyes work the same and you should have options in the game to prevent something like that from happening on your side. And i say your side as in the cilent side, and not the server side.


Roleplayers. Being dramatic.

There’s a joke somewhere in that.

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