Abuse of Toys and RP servers:

See, I had to go to Goldshire (since people spam toys there) to show you this.

Imagine like 5 of these toys go off in smaller spaces where RP is happening. I have to look down because I can’t look up without hurting my eyes.


Come in to spam a thread does nothing, except bump it.

I fully understand what it does. thanks anyways


Didn’t have to click the link or read the comments to know it has to be the Tortollen fish toy :rofl:

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Apparently. And this is why some toys have such massive cool downs. Yay for the social disruptors. Broken toys for everyone. :frowning:

I’ve always just wanted the Ignore feature to remove the individual from my shard, and any toys they have down. Fortunately, we RP in current content, so I think the guild has been griefed twice in 8 years? Don’t spend hardly any time in SW.

I think adding it to the report menu is a good idea on two fronts: first, it could automate the collection of toy/mount placement with the report, and second it would raise awareness that the ToU is being broken when you grief. You think it would be obvious, but some players just have no common sense or social internals.

Sorry that happened to you, OP.

I use all my toys then log onto another toon and do the same. then keep relogging until I use all the toys from all my characters. fun times.


It’s not “BLIZZ HATES FUN!!!11”, it’s “jerks ruined it for everyone”.

Same with the console command for turnspeed and the dragon+harp effect.
People were using both to grief. They weren’t nerfed because of some strange fun-hating dogma.

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so… you actively went out looking to find something annoying, and now you want to complain that the people you walked in on, are the ones doing something wrong?


just no.


It’s still annoying and griefing to spam toys at people, regardless of location yes.
People do this kind of garbage anywhere there is RP (or non-RP “RP” like in Goldshire).


Reasons like this, while valid, are why the “Fun detected: Nerf” meme exists. Half the toys in game are no longer properly usable and just take up server space nowadays.

I do agree that it gets annoying at times and I can imagine it’s significantly worse on RP realms.
A simpler solution, instead of nerfing every toy into the earth, would be to increase the amount of things ignored by Neural Silencer to include toys outside of one’s party

op went actively seeking it.

she was the one intruding on THEIR rp.

this is almost as ridiculous as a “war happened in warmode” thread.

Why you’re putting the blame on OP here for people coming up themselves and trying to ruin OP’s RP? OP basically wanted to public rp with other people in a location they choose. How is that actively seeking it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

From one RP server dweller to another…

1: This will backfire.

2: Who died and made you the fun police?



Besides a case like the OP who is physically hurt by it… what are other ways that toys and RP can be abused? If it’s derailing the thread too much, i’ll settle for a link or something where I can learn more, am just genuinely interested.

Then just move from that area, nobody is abusing you unless they’re following you and throwing it at you repeatedly.

Move from the area affecting you and you don’t have a problem anymore.

This is like Karen level 1000 of being offended over nothing.


Oh look! Everyone get your cameras ready! There is the elusive Toy Karen!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I completely misread the title of this post…

Am disappointed.

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Its to bad Bliz doesn’t enforce the ToS for normal servers.

So why Moonguard is a thing then? Blizzard dont care about it.