Abuse of the report system for legit in-game sales

Then that limits actual discussion. Sorry but I like the way it is now, and if you’re posting your ad more than every couple of minutes you deserve a squelch.


They did ask for posts so the Forum Support Agent posts in CS do cover it. Quite a lot.

One recent thread has a ton of info in it with two people who came to contest the system.

That is unfortunate, but as I said, if you aren’t violating policy then their reports would do very little. The worst that would happen would be a temporary squelch.

There isn’t really a system in place that would remove you without the chat being verified. The best they could hope for would be to apply a temporary squelch until/unless the chat was verified as violating our policies and then a full silence, suspension, or account closure would be applied based on the content of the chat and the penalty history.

The only thing that happened here is that the folks on your realm felt your behavior violated policy, they reported it, and appropriate action was taken based on that violation.

The whole thread, which has quite a few Blue replies, is really worth reading. It has a ton of info on the system. I only quoted a small bit.


Congrats, you’re also assuming that everyone who gets squelched must be guilty.


Lmao ok guy

No, I don’t assume that. That is what Appeal is for.

Knowingly falsely reporting is against the rules and nets someone a Suspension. So no, they don’t have the “right”. However, Blizzard prefers that a large number of paying customers have the ability to restrict a single disruption - pending GM review.

It is much like Kick. It does not matter why a group does not want you, they kick you and you get a debuff.

You read, and participate, in a lot of the CS threads on this stuff so you are pretty well aware of how it all works.

I guess I am not likely to ever agree that someone should be able to spam the heck out of chat or spew tirades without players having any system to temp remove it.


Just stop spamming trade chat.

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Who’s saying people should be able to do that? Kindly point me to that post.

If someone doesn’t want to see someone else’s posts, there’s tools in the game to take care of that. Account-wide ignore is a prime example.

If someone is indeed breaking the rules, then of course they should be actioned.

What should never be allowed is a group of players falsely reporting others and instituting an automatic punishment on another player.

Your LFG example is off-base. People who are falsely reported and SQUELCHED didn’t sign up for a random group and drop from it or get kicked. They merely are using a chat channel. Not to mention that the LFG debuff you speak off falls off quickly and doesn’t require waiting days for a GM to intervene.

Letting the mob rule the roost is the worst.


No, I’m giving you an example of something I would consider guilty if it actually occured. Reviews are def needed by GMs and actual people, but again, if they were to make a sales/advertisements channel and you’re advertising not in that channel, you’re automatically guilty for not doing it in the spot of intent.

Right now we don’t have such a channel, so it’s just Trade.
The better solutions are: Make General chat available across all cities n stuff like how Trade is cause for some reason you can’t actually see General across different cities, only the one you’re in which is not fun. The other part of the solution is just make an “advertisement/boosting” channel that people who don’t post in get squelched for a day, squelched for a week, then banned for a day, then banned for 3 days, etc. Ramping up to a month then year.

I imagine you don’t find it annoying because you have people who do this, but I find it repulsive. Yes, people need money, that’s why having 13 characters at max level netting 10k+ a week from missions, doing professions and getting 10k+ easily from those, plus doing other content like old world content over the course of the week nets you everything you need on a per player/account basis. You don’t need to sell carries to make money. Anyone who thinks it’s only carries is either lazy af or is limited in how to make gold in this game.

That’s fine, so let the GM dole out the punishment, not other players who may be falsely reporting others just to “shut them up”. You do realize that being falsely reported and squelched impacts other areas of the game too, such as the ability to join groups, correct?

People that are asking for the auto squelch system to be removed.

Account-wide ignore doesn’t protect other people from seeing it. NO ONE should have to see it all.

If I log in I don’t want to see someone spamming the slurs in trade chat. I can only ignore someone after I’ve already seen it and after I’ve already been a victim to it.

The auto squelch functions limits the amount of victims. The auto squelch would have silenced that guy spamming slurs before I logged in and had to see it too.


They signed up for a game with rules. A game that has reporting if you break the rules and consequences. They agreed to those rules when they signed up.

You participated in the last big thread on this in CS. The people complaining about it were very much not innocent. Vrak spent a lot of time explaining the system. It has uses - to stop people like those.

Some are innocent - they are annoying, but not breaking rules. Those get overturned usually.

This is a video game, not real life where you are losing liberties. We have no “rights” in a private game - other than Consumer Rights.


This is absolutely something that should exist, and they should be heavy-handed with it.

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As they should with the selling of carries/boosts, too.


That’s what this thread is complaining about! Innocent people getting falsely reported because a group of people have an agenda against boosting, or multiboxing, or whatever it may be.

Those who are falsely reported get squelched. They not only lose the ability to chat, but they lose the ability to join groups as well. THEIR experience is impacted. Does that not matter? “Overturned quickly” can be anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days. You know this, so why do you continue defending a system that is ripe for abuse and punishes people who play by the rules?

You see this very thing happen on the forums as well with rampant flagging. Don’t try to pretend that there isn’t an inherent problem in this community with using reporting as a means to downvote or silence others.


It does exist.

How heavy handed they are is a whole other question. They want people to report things that are probably breaking the rules. They don’t want people to be afraid that they will get in trouble for a good faith report.

What they need to do is stop campaigns that are targeted at people who legit did nothing. True, the most that happens is a temp squelch, but that should still be punished when it is being used against someone specifically.

The punishment in place right now is a Suspension. I don’t know how often those are applied. Most of the “I was unfairly targeted” threads I see on CS were actually validated by the GM and the GM really did hand out a penalty for it. I linked a good one up above.

The most you can do on the forms is temp grey out the post. The person does not have any other restrictions at all unless a Mod actually does something with the reports. They unflag threads and posts all the time. They also hand out forum suspensions for abuse. Someone tried it on me and the mod messed up. It was a really boring CS post with a link to the support article they needed. I guess that was not enough so they char hopped to report me. Mod hit the button to suspend me instead of unflag me. Oops. He got the suspension and I got fixed.

That’s not the point and I made it abundantly clear what the point was, and I’ll say it one more time: there is an inherent problem with this community where people use reporting systems as a means to downvote or silence others.

Hell, my boosting thread was hidden TWICE, not because it was a rules violation, but because people used the flagging system to try to silence or downvote it.

To think this doesn’t spill over into the game itself is preposterous.

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Because it’s a disgraceful thing. If you can’t get it, then you can’t get it. There’s nothing wrong with not getting stuff. I don’t make a million dollars a year IRL, but I cope with that and accept that.

I have a limit to my ignore list. If I didn’t I’d probably be somewhere along 800+ people deep on it by now. The issue I have, though, is no matter how many I ignore, there’s always so many more coming back. It’s a never ending cycle.

Also, I want the record to show I would like General Chat to be among all the cities, rather than just Trade Chat.

I think allowing people who have been squelched to group with others and talk in private channels would remove a lot of the downsides. Private channels can mean party, battle.net (I don’t remember if you get silenced there), raid, others?

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I don’t understand your post. Are you saying you’re reporting people for spamming just because they’re advertising boosting or something?