Abuse of the report system for legit in-game sales

What if Blizzard simply changed the rules to ban all soliciting of boosting services in any of the public in-game chat channels and LFG tool. I could see this eventually happening.

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Yeah, being squelched does more than just prevent someone from posting in /2 and the ability for a group of players to negatively impact another player’s gaming experience is ridiculous.


It’s semantics. She specifically said that.

She also never gave her feelings on it one way or the other. You’re just arguing for the sake of arguing.

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I could see that happening to a point. They may clarify it even further if the boosting communities try to figure out a loop hole OR bypass something somewhere that they don’t like etc.

That part I don’t see unless things get real bad. The “nuclear option.”

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let the patients run the asylum, this is the result. Blizzard never learns on this sort of crap.

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You know, said people should just stop selling boosts, period. Boosts ruin the game, end of discussion. You can’t tell who had a boost or who hasn’t half of the time or those who get a boost should have a “boost” star on it.

Between Gladiator being boosted, Mythic raid being boosted, and Dungeons as high as like 25 keys being boosted, the players quite literally ruin it.

If you can’t climb, then you can’t climb. Yes, this is being said from someone who does heroic raid level. It’s dumb that a game allows players to carry other players through the mega hard content that should, even PvP, where skilled players should not be able to get you to 2.5k+ rating 1v2ing.

That’s seriously bad balance, bad game design, bad everything.

Go earn it on that character or don’t get it. Games used to be about skills, but when boosting and other things get involved it becomes less about that and more money and more about “just go buy a boost” or something instead.

People should be penalized for selling boosts, too.

It degrades the game, especially when you’re quite literally flooding my chat with it every 5 seconds by 50 different people selling the boosts. Make a channel called “boosts” if it has to be in the game, and then go advertise that nonsense in there, not in my Trade chat.

That’s more annoying than Politics, the anal jokes, Chuck Norris jokes or literally anything else.


You might be better off learning to not interpret in your own voice the intent of others. I will repeat the question:

Keeping in mind that vigorous debate and a shouting match are not the same thing.

I don’t think we’ll be able to get rid of boosts but preventing people from buying boosts with WoW tokens might be a potential future possibility

Most of the time people buying boosts have already progressed through content. That’s how they have enough money to purchase the boost. They’re just gearing alts. Blizzards current stance is that selling boosts is fine as long as you don’t create a metagame financial system. So, because it’s not against TOS, reporting it in chat is abusing the report function I would say.

If they do ban boosting altogether, that would be a different discussion, but it isn’t the case

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Question for you. Everyone reporting are also paying customers. What gives a spammer or someone else, the right to disrupt chat and the game experience of others?

Do you really think players should not be able to get temp restrictions on someone until a GM reviews it? I get that at times it can be abused, but most of it is not. It is used for outright spammers or people going on tirades/rants that cross lines and rules.

Why should one spammer be able to have a negative impact on the rest of the chat? That directly impacts someone’s gaming experience.


I have some fantastic news for you. It already is off forever. It doesn’t exist and never has existed!

You got your wish without knowing it.

So you’ve been penalized for annoying your realm many times before.


Question for you. Everyone reporting are also paying customers. What gives a spammer or someone else, the right to disrupt chat and the game experience of others?

I disagree with the premise that these people are spammers. Posting a trade message in trade chat is not a violation of TOS. Blizzard has a time-out period for repeated messages. If it’s too short a time-out then they can adjust that

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I already answered that. When it crosses to profanity, hateful speech, racism, gender based hatred, etc. None of that belongs in game. Read the Code of Conduct I linked you to.

You already tried justifying use of those exact things in your earlier post because people can “turn off trade”.

Something does not need to be a “shouting match” to be against the rules. The concept of trying to justify hatred in the name of “debate” is reprehensible as well. There is no excuse and nothing to debate. It does not belong, period.


That’s the issue… I can’t. I’ve only managed to figure out how the system works by reading a compilation of different quotes here and there made from GMs and MVPs in customer support.

I would’ve had to save them all to share it with you. It’s not something that I can easily pull up. Unless there is some article or something that I don’t know about.

Squelch is automated, silence isn’t. If your guild mates were silenced, than it likely was because they violated the EULA in some manner. Spam is still very much against the EULA and it isn’t always obvious when someone is spamming. That is probably the most likely offense, I’d assume.

There is a chance that the silence gets appealed though, which I think means they were essentially actioned even though they weren’t really violating the EULA. That is definitely frustrating and shows the system isn’t perfect, but then again, I can’t think of a better alternative.


If they made it so you can only post once every 3 mins or 4 mins then that would defeat the purpose of cross zone chat - which is not just advertising. People ask game questions, have conversations, organize crafting, etc. You need to be able to post in a reasonable rate.

We don’t have speed limiters on most cars either, we still have to obey the speed limit or risk consequences. Just because you CAN go at a certain speed, does not mean you should.

I don’t care why they do it, they do it. Gear the toon naturally, or don’t, up to you but I still stand by the decision that boosts literally ruin and degrade the game, regardless of your intent or their intent or anyone’s intent or reason.

Which is exactly what them being in the game does, regardless of what the price is, this will always be a problem.

And annoying me with spam is also against my ToS. I don’t enjoy seeing it. I don’t report, but I do put every single one of them on ignore, but it’s like no matter how many people I have on ignore, 50 more pop up every time I enter into the cities for any reason, be it AH, gbank stuff, swapping Covenants, anything at all I’m flooded with over 30 messages easily of people selling carries; be it PvP, raiding or dungeon carries, even Torghast carries and other carries, too. They’re all gross.

Maybe, and yeah you won’t be able to fully get rid of it. The least I think they should do is either ban people participating in it, customers and sellers, or just make channels in both the LFG AND in the chat panels for “advertisements” that you put it in. If you’re found to do it in a non advertisement channel, you get muted for a day, then a week, then banned.

So, some of them wait 30 seconds, some wait 5 minutes, some wait 20 minutes. It’s not that the person is a spammer, it’s the entire group of them are spammers. There’s 30+ doing it at the same time every time 1 of them goes off, that way they can get their sales as the one being seen over their competition. That’s fine in terms of posting per individual, but it’s not fine in terms of sheer quantity of people participating in it.


Here’s your problem: You’re assuming that people who are reported must be guilty. You make that plainly obvious.

Question for you. Those who are reported are also paying customers. What gives false reporters or someone else, the right to disrupt the chat and gaming experience of others?

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I guess false reporting is in the eye of the beholder. For some of us who hate boosting and the spam it generates, we have the option to report it. And Blizz, at least for now, seems to be on the side of the reporter. I suggest ceasing your boosting spam and avoid the silence. Or, keep going. Either way, LFG and trade chat is way calmer today =D


The fact that they’re usually not disrupting others. If person A reports person B for spamming and the report goes in and person B was advertising carries with 25 other peoople, then person B is the one being disruptive over person A here because that collective is actually disrupting things more than person A could be doing by not doing it.

You’re not getting autobanned though. You get a squelch first. If you’ve gotten silenced then you’ve been reviewed by a Game Master and received an email telling you that you’ve been silenced.