Abuse of the report system for legit in-game sales

Well, he did find out the squelch worked, he didn’t know that was there even though it’s been around for close to 10 years. Also he got got a 3 day suspension for abusing the report system

People that submit false reports should get punished accordingly.

That being said, considering the nature of people on the internet, and considering this (what was) breaking news, I don’t know that I’d be advertising within a few days of this announcement. I am NOT saying that false reports are okay. I’m just saying I think it’s wise to avoid that risk (the risk of other idiots affecting your gameplay) until people move on to the next outrage.


Assuming that the “investigation” is by a human GM.

There’s thousands of reports each day. That is truly way too many for each GM to read individually. And even more for each GM to reread and revoke.
I could see specific reports would be under investigation, like racism/language. But I am willing to bet “Spam” reports into a Silence are automated.

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No, I’m gonna report spam when I see it. Same goes for gold selling and ToS violations.

Remember, the key word is SPAM. Burying your head in the sand is something I don’t do.

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Nobody will believe you because in the CS forums it says it isn’t automated. But seriously it’s automated and idc what “community council” or forum CS people say.

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I guess you missed the Blues explaining how it worked then? They are employees of Blizzard and know the policy and it’s workings.

gm doesnt have to read every report. just look up the subject of the report and see if they did anything to warrant it. If they didnt, then you go look up the reporters and possibly take action.

You can post it all day long but Is someone who automates these types of processes for a living I can assure you 99% of it is automation. Can you imagine having to pay customer service reps to read through THOUSANDS of these a day? 0 chance blizz does that when they can barely afford to pay devs decent wages.

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It was clarified here that a Silence due to spam is triggered by the number of reports.

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Believe what you wanna believe, the information is there. It’s doesn’t mean a lick of spit to me if you ignore it. But you do so at your own peril.

If it wasn’t then why would they have an appeals process? Why would one GM overturn another’s decision constantly?

Unless the GMs are legit brain dead or lack basic communication skills.


Because mistakes happen? As in your case? Good lord, its like arguing with a flat earther. You might want to ease up on the salt, not good for the blood pressure.

One GM may very well overturn another’s decision, it happens all the time. It is their prerogative.

I get the one off case, but this has happened dozens and dozens of times (probably hundreds across realms) in the last 48 hours alone.

It’s not like blizzard has hundreds of WoW CS reps and each one makes the same mistake on the same day. Good try though.


Oh? I didn’t know you worked for Blizzard? Apparently you have access to the HR records and data logs. Good day Gracie…

You’re just not great at trolling tbh. I’d give it a rest and see if that helps.

Report me then…

Nothing I have said is trolling, you just don’t like what I said. But it’s what I’d expect from players like you.

Seethe more. The days of boosting are over. Now people can play the game the way it was meant to be played.

Yeah the vast number of times this is done combined with the clear cut nature of what’s being posted.

It’s one thing if we’re talking about subjective toxic language and intent.

But when it’s a clear cut sales advertisement - I find it hard to believe that GMs would silence players incorrectly that many times in a short period of time.

Mistakes happen - but when they happen that widespread, something is afoot.

Nah, just literally 4-5 people from the same realm in this post have already said they were silenced for a week for advertising and have had it overturned.

Now multiply that by the # of comparable realms and how many more have been silenced that aren’t posting in this ONE singular forum post?

But that’s the data I would expect to go over the head of someone trollposting from a level 50 alt so we can’t see their main who paid for AOTC/m+

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