Abuse of the report system for legit in-game sales

Clearly. I understand what you’re saying and I get where you’re coming from. I do think that Shamorisse has a point in that neither feel good, regardless of how we word it.

Oh! So it wasn’t just me


So I just took a quick look at progression for your server… There are 13 guilds above you on that chart, and 30+ guilds below you. If you’re being squelched by people my guess it is by those who are also selling carries. Any guilds your guild have bad blood with?

If you’re legit, and I’m not saying you’re not posting in good faith… That is where I’d look. Cutting into sales and all.

Wish you well, peace.

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eh it will die down in a few days

I do think the squelch system needs to go (for the record, I think that regardless of the current situation). hire more GM’s to actually respond to player reports, don’t let mob rule dictate who gets silenced.


Thallia’s on our side :slight_smile:

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Is this a good thing? Because I’ve not played or owned any M:TG in a very very long time…

Spam and get banned/silenced

Even if you are allowed to advertise you aren’t allowed to spam

Hilarious seeing all the forum tears from peeps selling carries that obviously use automated spam that 99% of players hate

Advertise less often, much less

If enough people are unhappy with what ur posting you will get banned, doesn’t matter what ur saying, it’s simply if people are upset by it or not.

I understand it feels bad when it is done with intent to target someone else falsely. The alternative is people able to just spam chat to death or go on rants like a broken lawn sprinkler spewing profanities and such.

The “issue” has been discussed for a long time. What would be reasonable is some clarity on what happens to people who use the system to falsely target someone specific. It is against the rules, but we don’t ever know what happens to those cases. We just know they can get Suspended. We only see the ones that pop up in CS where they claim to have been victims, only to find out they were pretty vile and most certainly broke the rules.

I suspect most of it will die down soon enough, just like the multibox reporting did once folks got the hang of the new rules.

IF not, then Blizz will have to look into the threshold for squelch, etc. It is adjustable. Keep in mind, every one of those squelched folks adds to the GM workload so if it turns out a lot are false, it is in Blizzard’s (and the player’s) best interest to adjust the system.

What I don’t think they will do is REMOVE the system.


It doesn’t matter what they are posting. People don’t like what they are posting so they report it. Wether the reason for the report is malicious or genuine doesn’t matter.

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I don’t think this is outside the realm of possibility, but there are people being actively hostile in trade chat, and not a lot of people posting carries. My assumption is that this is people abusing the report feature, to be transparent

You can get mass reported for posting a single, in-TOS carry. There’s nothing stopping people from doing that. “Spamming”, which I don’t think is a correct characterization anyway, isn’t required. The report system needs improvement if they’re going to automate it and not invest in GMs.

And this is a good example of why I created the thread. Reporting people because you don’t like what they’re doing, vs reporting people for actual rules violations. People should not be silenced or banned because “people don’t like what they are posting so they report it”.

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The system needs to be changed somehow. You can understand how annoying it is when people use a bot to post the same thing every 3 minutes and then other players do same thing and then all you see is ads going up your screen.

I think boost ads need to be completely eliminated from trade chat and another way should be like adding a LFB (looking for boost) where you could browse ads the same way you can when looking for a group. My Idea was an NPC named “Drew Carried” in every major city you can click on or just add a “boosting” channel to current LFG where boosters can post all they want.

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Drew Carried has my vote

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As a GM and a blue poster have stated - if your behavior in one way or another including posting adverts that people don’t want to see in game is found to be disruptive by players then they consider it to be actionable.

They will tell said person to refrain from the behavior, IE what got them squelched or penalized, in the future to avoid such things. This has been around since Cataclysm. Nothing is new here. Which is why your little quote of ‘false reports’ is false.

Can be, if the community doesn’t want it there and finds it to be disruptive to their chat.

Every person using that report which ends in a squelch or a penalty like silence, is also a customer. Said people have every opportunity to change their behavior, IE their adverts in this case if they don’t want to take the chance of that happening.

Can be, yep.

Are you a blue? Did you work on the game and create trade chat? No? Weird, because it appears you don’t know their stance on the matter between that and the current situation.

If you read the Terms of Use, and the EULA you would know it has quite a bit in there that posting adverts can be considered breaking it.

It would appear you sure don’t.

Usually not the case. You’ll have to admit the opposite, actually.

All I’m hearing from you is a lot of ‘dindu nuffin’ without any actual evidence either way.

Quick question for you, do people get arrested before or after their day in court? Pretty sure they’re held and not allowed to go about their business as usual.

Yeah I’m sure lets restrict the allowance to send a message once an hour because people can’t stop spamming their adverts… So people can’t actually chat in an MMORPG.

Why are people okay with “WTS battle pets, CHEAPER THAN AH!” being spammed, but not “WTS Mythic Sylvanas kill”? Why are they different?


An npc or an opt in chat would have been much preferable to eliminating middle men and safety of mind for both boosters and those purchasing boosts but hey blizz wants spam from 200+ guilds instead of 5 communities so more power to them I guess.

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They’re unsupported transactions. Blizz isn’t implementing chat channels or NPCs for unsupported transactions.

They are not. The most anyone can do is get a post “greyed out”. A poster is free to keep posting until a Mod reviews the reported post and decides what to do with it. A forum suspension is only handed out by Mods.

Could you stop being so aggressively obtuse? You know very well that they are talking about in game. It isn’t fooling anyone especially when you make short posts without your usual verbosity.


Agree that another system should be used for carries and there are lots of ways to implement it completely separate from game chats

Obviously it should require positive action from a potential participant, an npc you click on or a channel to opt-in to or something similar

The main chat channels should be protected from spam

Spam is unsolicited advertisement