Abuse of the report system for legit in-game sales

I think the issue here people have with your reasoning is basically summed up in an earlier post somewhere above from you I read. “That’s what an appear is for”.
That’s not the point. People are arguing it should not be allowed in the first place to disrupt someone’s ability to play certain aspects of the game “until a GM reviews it”.

You’re arguing that basically “it’s not a big deal since very few people are affected”.

False rape accusations, malicious or not, are also rare; but it seriously affects the person being accused.
Can you imagine if someone justified this by saying “well they didn’t go to jail, they still got their day in court” while ignoring everything else said accused of had to go through in the meantime?

No one is going to die or become unemployable or socially ostracized from an in-game silence, but it still affects them. That’s what people have an issue with.

Any system, IRL or in game that needs to punish a small amount of innocent people to catch the guilty is deeply flawed.
I don’t think you’re going to win over people by arguing that point, but if you like the current squelch system you do you.

There are literally people here in the forums and in trade that admit they report anyone regardless if it’s against the ToS or not.
Not sure what else to say.


Even if this is a bait post, it brings up a good conversation about the power the players have and how uninformed they can be.

Look at how many posts in this form have gotten the faction crossover wrong. Quite a bit. I even had brief conversations in general chat about it and they got it wrong too.

Apply that misinformation to this no advertisement rule. If enough people get it wrong they truly can falsly squelch someone. And while you can overturn it, it takes DAYS. I bet it IS annoying and really shouldn’t happen.

I agree that they need to look into this and tweak it, regardless of how I feel about the topic or even if this was a troll post


You claimed it wasn’t a penalty it is. Much like in hockey a 2 minute minor is still a penalty even if it doesn’t come with a corresponding fine from the league like a 5 minute penalty. Wow is currently essentially allowing players to call 2 minute penalties on other players regardless of whether or not it pushes them up the penalty volcano.

The ticket wait times in WoW are insane. It’s usually much more than 24H for me whenever I need to open one up for any kind of CS-related issue.
Also what comes to mind is what if someone is reported or squelched or whatever during the holidays where ticket times can be much longer too.


For what it’s worth, this post was made in good faith. I’m not trying to bait people into anything. If bans/silences aren’t automated based on report volume, then I’d be interested to read blue posts or articles that say so.

But from what I understand and from what I’m experiencing, it seems like people in my guild are getting silenced for advertising Mythic Sylvanas carries on our realm, which is an in-TOS activity

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Wrong. You can’t read. Goodbye.

Ignore might be a better thing to use . Because there may be people that want to see what the person is advertising .

Personally I just leave Trade because this is my feeling on it over all since it is pretty much Barrens Chat 2.0 and any real trading is frowned upon .


They 100% are I’ve seen it happen mid rated bgs as well as to players trying to rank in classic.

You remove that picture I’m in it and I don’t like it

Huh so squelch has no immediate negative consequences and can’t have the report function abused weird because I’m pretty sure it can.

Counterpoint the wow general forums

Are you purposely acting dense just to argue? Seriously?

Learn to read.

I didn’t see any Bantha waste in the background

It’s more than just talking and the point is that it isn’t semantics It’s a straight up penalty.

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What is your problem???

They did not read the thread despite claiming to.

You and I differ on “restriction” vs “penalty” - in that I feel a penalty is applied by someone in authority after reviewing the actions such as a referee, judge, or moderator. I call Squelch a restriction (which we all can agree on) and only call the GM applied actions “penalties” given they are actual black marks on the account.

You know that, I know that, the other person missed that whole discussion I think.


Maybe there’s some discussion to be had on this, but I think it’s a little beside the point for this thread. It feels bad either way, and it seems to be in the hands of other players who may or may not be acting in good faith


My own hair is getting split ends now reading you split hairs even more so.

I think you know exactly what people are talking about here and maybe you’re trying to downplay it or remain neutral since you’re a green but idk and idc either way. The real issue is that I think people are finally realizing this is an issue and would like it changed in some kind of form.

this thread has gotten hilarious in a way. mirasol, humanbeak and others having a fairly friendly - though differing opinions - debate on the reporting system all the while this other guy keeps popping in with unhinged ragey rant posts about boosting that everyone just ignores.

idk it made me laugh. kind of like the bbq with the weird drunk guy in the corner making bizarre jokes people pretend isn’t there.

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I wonder if, because of this explosion of people reporting unfairly or incorrectly, you may see even more of it happening in Premade. It would be a bit iffy to do that but since I’ve reported certain spammers advertising in Premade only to have them pop up again an hour later, I really wonder whether Blizzard has any impact at all on the supposed rule against doing it in Premades. Some people might think it was worth the risk.