Abuse of mass reporting

I’m just curious how you guys investigate someone that’s trying to purposely grief mass reporting in attempt to suspend/ban someone out of spite?

I would think abusing this system is a serious offense attempting to get someone banned that’s completely innocent. Are they being held accountable for that?

When someone is wrongly suspended or banned, do you refund them the game time after reversing their ban, what kind of compensation do they get?

Hope to hear back. Thanks.

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Basicly they look at the history of reporting if theres a constant history of false reporting then they will action it if the reportign has merrit the person flagging will never know if there false flagging repeated they can face either suspension of flagging or suspension.


Thank you for the link - I wish they had more transparency on explanations. At least it’s some answers…

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Thing about transparency is that people will try to lawyer up try to weasle there way outa it.


also note even if someone does this all reports are reviewed by a human. Unless you violated some rule nothing will happen and you would not even know about it. Only thing that can happen other wise is a squelch. Squelch is automatic with enough people reporting someone.


What if they openly admit it to you that they will get you banned by mass reporting you?

They can talk a big game with the sole purpose of egging you on and eliciting a reaction from you that they can then turn against you, but you just have to remember it’s just talk. The most that can happen to you with mass reports is that you’re just not able to talk in certain channels for 24 hours or until a game master picks up the report and trashes it-- whichever is sooner.


If they do that then use RIGHT CLICK REPORT for LANGUAGE and DO NOT RESPOND TO THEM! They are trying to get you to say something they can report you for!


This is important. If someone tells you (hypothetical you, here) that they’re trying to get you banned by mass reporting you, and you respond with profanity or aggressive language, and then later you find yourself suspended, the mass reporting isn’t the problem – your use of offensive language is. Offensive language is against the ToS no matter why you’re using it. Don’t respond to people who try to get a rise out of you.

Do report them, though, the way Vorsol describes.


Exactly the only reason they said what they said is to get a reaction they can use against the person they are taunting.


I see you’re from MG, and I know I’ve seen people threatening this in trade/general now and again. Please, absolutely report them. Most people know by now that weaponizing reports will get people in trouble. Don’t respond, don’t try to turn it back on that person. Just right-click, report them for inappropriate communication and add any details you want to the report from there.

Blizzard can and will see that someone is trying to do it or even accomplishes it temporarily. The thing is - even if they do get enough to squelch you, it is only temporary until a GM looks over the reports. It and the warning system are the ONLY automated systems when it comes to reports. So long as you were not breaking any rules yourself (i.e responding back with inappropriate language, etc.), the squelch will be lifted, no harm to no foul, no permanent marks to your account.

Now, if you were in violation of the rules - no matter their foul of mass-reporting? Your own infractions will be addressed and likely sanctioned. Two wrongs don’t make a right, nor does their wrong give you a free pass in cutting loose or anything.


I don’t know, Fengh, were you maybe reported, just for example, for griefing roleplay with toys, like for example spamming the glowing fish on NPCs and yourself and activating other bright, flashing toys in closed dark spaces to interrupt people and drive them out of common areas?

If something like that was happening, in theory, I could see how maybe someone might get reported by a lot of people for that.

In theory. Not that you specifically would do something like that, of course.


just don’t pay any attention. you hear them insult you from chat, DO NOT ANSWER IT. lock them out. they do this to my alt. so i do not respond. later when they checked, they got tricked. seems i con them.

Y’all remember that scene in Good WIll Hunting? The line: How ya like them apples? Anyway, Nih’s response made me chuckle.

If someone were to purposely interfere with RP, having seen a RP wedding disrupted and other not great stuff done specifically to mess with Rp’ers, and I’m not saying anyone did, well, I’d report that person with out hesitation as well. And I’d hope Blizz brought a nice hammer that worked well and matched its 'mog choice.

If I had to guess Fengh, you are at the ‘Finding Out’ stage. I say that because a Blizz employee looked at things and made the call.


Do you know Fengh? Or is it just your way to assume the worst in other players looking for help?


Being from the same realm and faction as the OP, I’d wager that they may know more about the situation than most do.

Having said that, the drama doesn’t belong here. OP asked a question and has been given an answer. All account actions are between them and Blizzard.


I think that most people who try to hang out at the Slaughtered Lamb on Moon Guard (key words - try to) know Fengh.

I’m not accusing them of anything in particular, I’m just saying that, just as a perhaps random example of behavior that might get someone reported by a lot of people - Painfully bright, flashy toy spam and jumping on counters and on people to be disruptive in areas where people are trying to roleplay can be considered harassment, especially when it happens a lot.

In theory. But like Melaesia says, that’s between them and Blizzard.