Absolutely zero customer support

im so rude

ah, well… void elves aren’t 5 years old yet, so… uh. Yeah. This Velf was an alt i started in january and maxxed in february.

And I’ve literally never had a problem with a GM when I’ve had an issue. You can say what you want, your issue sound exaggerated.


Try using caps lock. That always gets a rise out of them

There is no support. The last time I got anything done with support it took 3 escalations and my issue was trivial like your “You have a gm survey” thing.

My priest had a quest to accept the last zone quest in legion but she hit 110 before getting to that 4th zone. Something bugged out and though I did accept and complete stormheim’s intro I was forever stuck with “go to your order hall to select the next zone” or something like that… it took me a month to tell a GM I just wanted the quest deleted, didn’t want loot, didn’t want exp, just wanted it deleted…

Something so simple you used to be able to have dealt with in like half a day, heck used to be GM’s could log into your account and fix things when they went wonky… no more of that I guess which stinks, GMs used to be cool interactions.

Gms are kinda useless. I’m pretty sure they have no powers or have to fill a form if they do so they just don’t want to. So each time something needs to get done they would need to go to their superior and I’m sure they got told, unless it’s totally broken and nothing can be done by the players don’t fix it.

So for your case, 1 piece of loot is easily replacable. You’ll get more don’t worry. As for items if they were only 20k that’s not much.

Not saying that those aren’t problems, but good luck making them fix those. Getting a goodwilled gm that want to help you seems rare. They’re more likely to just put a generic response and close your ticket.

Your loot issue is bizarre and I never see that happen. They likely just cannot fix it.

As for your springs and stuff, I suggest trying Warcraft Item Restoration to see if they are there. Idk what the problem is either but if CS cannot help you perhaps item restoration can.

I may not express myself the best when i am frustrated, but the communities constant response “sounds like a you problem” or “quit the game” is the reason the community has no say. This is why blizzard does not care to fix issues but rather let them just become irrelevant when a new patch comes out. Every patch is a new benchmark for how low of game quality they can release while still getting more subs.
The ones complaining, trying to make a difference are the ones who have been here since the beginning as we watched a company that cared so much about the player base slowly move towards the money.

I have to admit I have a had a few of these issues in the last couple weeks - I open mail to get item not found errors and have had items vanish from my bags (I know that bad was full and then there were empty spots…).

I contacted customer support and they can’t seem to find anything wrong though. I dunget it.


item not found errors never result in you losing the item. it’s UI related, I get them all the time, you still get the items or gold. count your items again. unfortunate the GM didn’t confirm this allegedly.

as far as the loot - if you didn’t generate loot on the boss then there is nothing they can do. they can’t unlock you from the boss, nor generate that loot. it sounds like in your case when you were kicked had an impact on things. it is an uncommon issue, but you’re stuck, and they explained their policy well which is all they could do. this policy isn’t new btw.


Make a thread here


As I said above you, phone callbacks are still available for the departments that phone support has always been available for, which is Billing & Tech Support.

The entire reason they moved to a callback system instead of a direct number is because people tried to call about game issues that couldn’t be handled by Billing or Tech Support, because game issues have always been handled by tickets. The phone lines would be busy from the time they opened until the time they closed, which meant few people with problems that could be solved over the phone could get them solved.

If you were calling for something other than an account issue or tech support, you were wasting their time.


Maybe he’s in a foreign country with a bad exchange rate? Not sure how that all works.

As for the GM ticket at the top of this page:

  1. Log out of the forums
  2. Clean your cache from your browser and computer
  3. Turn off computer - let it run updates

Because insurance companies don’t have customers who call constantly to complain about not getting loot from a boss or not being able to fly on day one of an xpac or how she can’t mog the cute gray item from vanilla, times millions.

Insurance companies are all about customer service since they’re paid tons of premiums in the event of something happening (accidents/death/disaster). Those companies don’t have millions of customers logging into their systems to play the insurance video game.

Blizzard is about developing video games. Customer service is incidental.

That’s why there’s no phone support for WoW.


Man, really?

Every single automated system will take you to a human if you spam random buttons.

Otherwise, dial 2 for Spanish, wait for the human and say “oops, I dialed 2 for Spanish? Lawl oopsie I meant engrish”. At that point, the Spanish speaker understands English anyway and carry on.

Dial 2 for Spanish anywhere and get a fluent in English rep really fast that aren’t outsourced in India. It’s like that everywhere.

At $15/month? You can’t. Blizzard does not offer that.

Reading your thread, you DID interact with a GM. But what YOU want is a live human being to watch every dungeon run, to make sure the raid leader doesn’t screw you over.

NOBODY offers that for $15/month. Nobody in the world.


I’m not trying to complain about any of these issues, I want to call to talk to someone as to why my game is constantly bugging out, why their ui reset prossec doesn’t work for me. why this game wont run properly. why when I reinstall the game completely nothing changes and I have all these old files. how I can fix things on my end and not wait 3 days inbetween a response.

As an IT pro, I know that not everything can be diagnosed and fixed over a phone call.

Since your problems are pretty much unique to You, that would entail going through your computer to see what’s different, what’s affecting apps, what’s causing these problems.

It’s obviously not the game…the rest of us (millions of us) are playing just fine.

If you can’t afford to have someone come in to look at your comp (or take it to their shop) then you have to calmly state your problems on Tech Support Forum. Google basic computer troubleshooting steps.

Don’t get upset and insult customer service for not helping (customer service is for billing issues). Don’t get all mad at everyone for trying to help you while “blind” with no info about your setup. Some problems are just not fixable - you may need to replace your equipment.

You’re not going to get that kind of “expert” help on a phone call to Blizzard or even a Support ticket anyway.


With a lot of luck and numerous tickets is what it usually takes anymore.

A couple weeks ago I had to put in 5 back to back tickets before I could get an answer regarding a glitch me not being able to use my mage tower appearances on other same-class characters. The first 4 tickets were clear auto-replies that didn’t begin to touch on the issue at hand.

It was both sad and amusing.

No phone number for customer support? I found it in 30 seconds with a google search. 800-592-5499 There you go. Call them.

blizzard has my ms info and dx diag files they can see what my computer specs. this hard drive has wow, twitch and google chrome on it from the day I bought it.

its obviously not the game? how do you know there isn’t come corrupted file in my game that isn’t messing everything up. like this stupid gm survey stuck on my screen for over a year that has a broken link? yes the rest of us are fine so you go screw yourself, you seem like a great person.
so what do I do? make a ticket follow their steps and it doesn’t work. i removed twitch and reinstalled the game open it up and all my addon folders are still full i have new and old cache, interface and wtf files still. I log into my game and its all the same…

I don’t need to take my computer to a shop when the only issues on my end would be outdated drivers or broken hardware. guess what it’s all up to date and hardware is working fine.
you don’t think dealing with the same bugs for over a year i haven’t looked at google?

please tell me where I insulted them? it’s sad you believe customer service should only be for billing issues and not tech support. I’m not mad at anyone, maybe frustrated with the “quit the game” or arrogant comments from “IT pro’s” like yourself trying to offer no help at all and only ridicule people having issues. I’m not an IT pro i don’t know what info you need, and from being limited to characters on reports and tickets makes me think those little details aren’t relevant when explaining the issues. any IT pro would know the frustrations that people deal with when things don’t work properly.
so unless you want to offer up some of your expertise, go be a pro somewhere else?