Absolute easiest spec atm?

I think you need to differentiate the rotation from the cooldowns.

Nope. They are part of the rotation. If you ignore them, you’re losing 40% of your dps. On Boss fights Kill Shot, Flayed Shot, Cobra Shot ARE a part of your standard rotation. Depending on the encounter, Bestial Wrath and Kill Command are used on CD.

It isn’t 3 buttons, sorry, or 4, or even 5.

Here’s a quick guide:
If you press it once a minute it’s a cooldown.

In your subjective opinion. I’m sure some rogues think if you have to press it once every 10 seconds it’s a CD.

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big k

Which doesn’t negate anything I said about using weakauras, in fact wowhead has an entire section on that very page you linked about it, and links to wago io for barbed shot scripts.

You can debate semantics all you want, but to say BM requires 3-5 buttons is pure tomfoolery.

I proved you wrong and you’re still denying it. :ok_hand:

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You didn’t prove anything. But I’m guessing you’re one the the types of people that thinks being right is more important that being nice and having a discussion. Have a nice night.

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And you’re one of the types of people that thinks they’re nice. :crazy_face:

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Thank you.

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You’re most welcome.

P.S. I’m still right. :blush:

OK. Have a nice night.

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Ok. I already do.

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i refuse to believe its hard to play a warrior any more

Arms is super easy. Like, so easy there are empty GCDs sometimes. Get to execute phase? Well, just pop cooldowns, keep that Deep Wounds going and spam some Condemn.

dont most people play fury in raiding content?

Playing BM is easy.
Playing BM well is harder.
Playing BM optimally is harder still.

All that said, it’s not as hard as some, but not as easy as people make it out to be.
It’s… fun though, which is more than some of the classes can boast about.

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My greatest fear is that when they finally tweak hunters for 9.1 they mess with BM.
Give me 3 charges of Barbed Shot or an 8 second cd. That’s literally all I want. Nothing else.

If they do anything with it… I really want pet species to matter more again, and for ferocity to be the DPS spec only, and NOT the best tank spec as well.

And to do something with chimaera/worm AOE so it’s not a loss to use it.

The question was what is the easiest/laziest, not what is the best. For example, BM over MM because BM is easier, Arms is the easier version of Fury to the point that it makes Frost DK look complicated.