Absolute easiest spec atm?

Just Paladin in general I would say.

hmmm idk maybe its cause iv been playing warrior a long time i find fury to be way easier than arms

Simple in concept to play, but hard to master… I guess. I see a lot of atrocious Fury warriors.

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Literally earlier this week, I had a 196 Fury Warrior in my group that did almost the same overall damage as my Holy Priest… … …

Frost Mage.

BM Hunter for real. The hard part is not falling asleep.

If you are talking all around, I would go with BM hunter. This covers solo-ability across the board, where as a mage is harder to level and do solo content. Also provides the option of marksman for group content if you decide to go with a [currently] higher dps and/or a ranged spec (I say this because on Denathrius BM isn’t a ranged spec, and is also fairly easy).

If you want to go melee, Havoc.

Both of these have “some” utility and amazing survival skills.

I find this amusing that it’s such a low barrier to entry but the skill curve for hunter is surprisingly steep. Most of the hunters I know are prolific users of macros both BM and not. It’s literally the only way to make things decently playable for them in some regards. That said at least they can control what cancels things like turtle and not have it randomly cancel like would happen if blizz managed it…

Havoc’s mostly utility now, the defensive/offensive nerfs have left it seriously wanting in comparison to the past. It now feels very squish compared to warrior, similar to rogue if you don’t know your defensives.

BM hunter

4 buttons. Pets do most of the work. Sit back and relax while you casually tap your 4 buttons. Nothing touches you personally, so you can have your pets hit things, do some gathering while being unmolested. I love it. I’d main it if my group didn’t want a rogue.

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Havoc Dh…Smash stuff to death and then eat orbs to heal , rinse and repeat

BM does have a bit more nuance than that, you do have to take care to not let frenzy fall off, so it’s not just laissez-faire press buttons whenever you want

This is my struggle with playing BM, and I just do open world content where I don’t care about DPS.

To me, frost mage is easier and more fluid in its rotation than BM.

I don’t blame you, 90% attack speed on your major dmging thing (your pet) is no joke.

I realize that. But it’s still very nice and casual to play. It’s very slow moving in terms of, which one of these buttons am I casually going to press when the gcd comes back?

And, it’s not super important to track frenzy. As long as you understand that frenzy is a thing and how it is activated, just don’t sit on barbed shot charges too long, and you’ll be fine.

It’s also a SUPER easy thing to improve. If you feel that you’re not doing well ‘oh damn, I just need to make sure frenzy is at 3 more consistently? NICE!’ Easy fix.

Whereas compare that to many other rotations where you have to set up and track your cooldowns and can get royally tanked by mechanics, and it’s sooo nice in comparison.

Also, moving while doing everything you need to do and still be able to be at range. My god.

I love Beast Master

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It is quite nice to be able to move and do your full rotation.

Though I do not agree on not needing to track frenzy.

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I don’t know how you can compare a spec where you need to hard cast in order to get procs to a class where things never punch you in the face and has no hard casts as easier and more fluid in the open world.

In open world content, you can literally play beast master with barbed shot and heal pet and nothing else if you want to and succeed.

Don’t get me wrong, the only weak aura I run on beast master is a frenzy tracker. But I’m saying as long as you know that frenzy is a thing that exists, you can casually play beast master well without worrying about it beyond hitting barbed shot when it is available.

Although it may be a meme on the forums, but to play a class like it suppose to, you use almost all of the abilities in your spellbook in a typical dungeon run.

Any class can just hang out and push a couple of buttons. But your dps will be trash. Some are better at “faking” it better than others and it will always be a dps class. Especially ranged dps.

That said, the easiest ones are MM hunter, BM hunter and arcane mage. For melee, the Havoc DH.

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This is actually part of my reason exactly. It is WAY easier to be a bad player but a decent bm hunter than it is to be a bad player and most other classes.

To put another way, going from any class to BM feels like you’ve been drowning and can now breathe. Going TO any class FRom BM, and you’re like ‘ew gross, why am I drowning?’

23 keybinds for my bm hunter

were are people getting 4 buttons for bm

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