Absolute easiest spec atm?

You mean forgiving

Forgot to mention, sin rogue has been made easier again with Envenom refreshing SnD again. It’s def a much slower rotation, was nice back in the day it was slow enough to make it easy to RL as I could pay more attention to things around me and still top DPS charts. It’s pretty gear dependent spec, so it does get stronger the further an expansion goes, but but if you already main a leather class you may want something different.

take a warlock into arena and then talk. any spec. and see what the actual differences are.

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Not at all. Melee is slightly more challenging but in the grand scheme of things still very easy

I’m talking about pve.

Pvp is all about druids mages and Paladins

This has nothing to do with getting nerfed. :rofl::ok_hand:
I’m not limited by role, if boomie does end up being garbage I can always tank or heal.

^ This right here.

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Since you added least amount of utility: bm hunter with a tenacity pet/no lust

Definitely not frost mage. People expect you to lust, decurse, give them arcane intellect, port them everywhere, feed them,…

Maayyybe havoc as a second choice


Oh yeah baby and if we end up wearing two legendaries you know bear’s gonna be instant BiS!

itt melee dps who think that melee is the hardest thing ever in the history of the universe that somehow don’t realize that other specs/roles exist.

Unholy dk, actually. Frost takes a bit of know how and practice. With unh you just keep clicking CDs till whatever your fighting stops moving.

Army, apocalypse, dark trans, swarming, deathcoil-oh, it’s already dead.

This man is comedy gold. :rofl::trophy:

I’m playing feral atm and that seems easy go ST, not sure about aoe scenarios.

Nice try frost main but I have actually played Frost DK. All you do is press the button the game tells you to.

he’s posting on a pally that is obviously his main. someone who mains a pally potentially plays ret a lot. so… a ret pally talking about how faceroll spriest and afflocks are. :rofl:

this kind of thing is why i both love and hate this forum.

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I can’t hate these forums. There’s too much comedy to pass up.

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then the frost dk who apparently thinks it’s more difficult than unh. this thread just keeps getting better and better. :rofl:

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I’m well I don’t hide behind alts. Also I main tank and heals which are even easier.

So to OP if ur looking at easy then maybe look at these roles as well

Both spriest and warlock look easier to play than they are. I feel like people generally think all ranged specs are easier. Which I’ll maybe accept coming from a rogue or monk but…

Healing is actually easier than tanking or dps once you get to high level. But the early stages of gearing are painful, the pugs stand in every bad they can find