Absolute easiest spec atm?

You need three hands to play Affliction or Spriest. Try stepping out of your comfort zone and you’ll realize plenty of specs are complicated.

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Specs are pruned they are all easy. Dot casters are the easiest of them all.

its easy to play aff at 80% which will get most people through stuff. but the ceiling is MUCH higher than most other specs.

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Name a DPS spec that’s hard to time a 15 with or get AotC. Lol

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Arcane is insanely easy as far as rotation goes. Honestly it’s my favorite mage spec, you do have to take note of your burn/conserve phases in fights, but you do catch on pretty quick.

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https: //www. icy-veins. com/wow/affliction-warlock-pve-dps-rotation-cooldowns-abilities


https: //www .wowhead. com/retribution-paladin-rotation-guide



Warlock got 5 spells unpruned: 4 curses and demonic circle. That’s more than the ret’s entire rotation.


Your point here?

Baby why would you be using all four curses? Go venth and get the added bonus of being in the sweetest covenant out there.

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you as ret can just hit things that light up. i know, cuz i’ve spent years doing it. put your dots up in the wrong order and then let them fall off and see how amazing your dps is as aff.

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If they’re all so easy then why are the majority of the players drawn towards melee? Playing rdps would solve all of their issues. :ok_hand:

How can you put them in the wrong order ? How ? Cast sequence macros make it a joke

Bm hunter. Three buttons. 4 if you want to heal your pet. 5 if you’re not smart enough to use the first 4 and your pet dies.

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you have no idea how dot classes work. lmbo

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People like a challenge so they go melee

Even better: that fourth and fifth button you’re talking about are now combined into one button!

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They have cast times, they have cooldowns. Affliction and Shadow are the most unforgiving specs in the game.

That will catastrophically hinder your damage enough that you’ll have an impending feeling of being told that you lack the damage just by casting it.

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Don’t lie, you know you have a one win button that no one else has. Your mad your getting soft-nerfed in 9.1. At least I got more skills then just one single button to auto delete people.

That they explains why they whine every day about how unfair the expansion is to melee.