Absolute easiest spec atm?

Havoc momentun its kinda hard to master

Were you having a bad day?

Play old content. Every spec is easy in old content.

Frost DK or Havoc DH. Survival hunter is also pretty simple.

You can actually make BM more complex than Survival or MM if you take certain talents. You won’t play it better than the meta build, but you will at least be more involved in what you’re doing.

It’s definitely BM hunter and there isn’t really a close second. A lot of people meme on Havoc for being easy to play but BM really hasn’t changed in that it’s the easiest spec to both pick up and master.

I understand people enjoy specs like that, but I like high APM melee classes so when I tried it I zoned out during my rotation.

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But what about utility oh wise and honest Havoc main?
Seems like Hunters have a lot of utility compared to DH.

They’re about the same in pve tbh, maybe BM hunter can be a tiny bit more complex with tranq shot on enrage weeks at high key levels but other than that not really. In PvP BM hunter’s utility is definitely more complicated to use, but in PvE they actually have a very similar kit in terms of utility/cc.

In addition to all of this and the simple rotation, BM hunter also has the benefit of being a ranged class with a baseline full immunity (aspect of the turtle).

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I play BM Hunter and only press 3-4 buttons during PVE. During PVP I press like 8.

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Like was said 1000 times already, Frost Mage is very easy to be good at but has quite a steep curve to be great at.

WTF. You must be a pro BM hunter haha.

Key binds for interrupt Tranq Shot one for dismiss, (pet heals, Revive), traps, Potions, 2 cooldowns, trinkets, Disengage, Fox Sprint, concussive shot, Misdirect, >.> not really lol

Lock is probably among the hardest, with Spriest maybe being harder or as hard as aff.

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IMO the easiest to play are Guardian Druid and BM Hunter.

Oh I don’t think people are including things like pots/interrupts even if they are a part of our rotation (especially if we are using some for focus regeneration/niya poison. Inevitably there are a ton of pet buttons but outside of say the move command and mend pet we don’t use them that often.

I definitely agree that doing BM optimally does take a long of nuance (making sure the barbed shot bleeds are spread out, using up all barbed charges before using beastial wrath, keeping up frenzy stacks, keeping up beast cleave) but I think the core of the class gives players time to learn that well while being simple.

Havoc probably is the easiest class to play out of all specs, not just the one you listed. Very little utility outside of one raid defensive cd & banish and a few button rotation and despite what people say now it does good damage (after all the buffs it got). I hate Demon Hunters because of how simple they are to play (both specs), but that’s just my taste. However, I don’t think many would argue it isn’t the simplest and has some of the least utility.

To be completely fair, you can just play whatever since it doesn’t sound like you are interested in performing well on any spec. I don’t think there’s a spec in the game where you will have a lot of success without some effort put forward, so just pick whatever looks the most fun and be mediocre at it :man_shrugging:

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Guardian Druid…believe me. Swipe thrash drink a beer swipe thrash watch a netflix movie swipe thrash do the laundry…you get it

Venthyr Arms. 1 button rotation (Condemn) plus the occasional spin-to-win.

Love Arms but this iteration is pretty meme.

If you’re looking for auto mode, don’t pick any mage class.

Since you obviously already have a Druid, BM Hunter has to be the choice.

You should also include Blood DK, talk about easy mode…

Havoc and always Havoc.

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