Absolute easiest spec atm?

BM hunter is really easy.

You have all of the benefits of being a melee with none of the downsides of being forced to stand in melee.

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  • BM Hunter - ranged, almost no hard casting, you only use 3-4 buttons and your CDs. AoE is a bit clunky.

  • Havoc DH - even easier than BM, but being melee makes you vulnerable to AoE and any sudden movement of the target causes you to lose dps

  • Arcane Mage - it is a complex spec if you want to play it to its maximum potential, but most of its damage comes from Arcane Explosion, Missiles, Barrage and Blast. So you can do decent with 4 buttons, 5 if you talent Arcane Orb.

  • Fury Warrior - another easy to learn, hard to master spec. Rotation consists mostly of 5 buttons. Again, rage management, Whirldwind spam and CDs make it less straightforward but the core of it is very easy.

  • Guardian Druid and Prot Pally - both are the easiest tanks imo. Guardian’s rotation consists of roughly 3-4 buttons and prot uses 5. The bear has insane damage reduction while pally does a more damage, is less tanky but has a lot of emergency buttons to save you and/or your group from sticky situations.

  • And for healers, well there isnt any spec with very few buttons like the dps/tank ones, but Holy Priest is by far the easiest. No weird things like DR or HoTs, you see people taking damage, you heal them. It may have a lot of buttons, but most of the time you spam Flash Heal then use Serenity for big heals.

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And then you have Disc Priests that require you to have voice commands and foot pedals to play correctly. Thanks, I’ll stick to my lazy DPS classes.

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Okay, here me out. Afflic Warlock. One button really and it can be your choice! Keep your demon out 24/7 and either tap to send him to fight or tap an instant cast DoT. Then just watch some TV or read a book! If you use the couple dots you have, you can keep running and #NeverStop
No one said anything about playing well!
laughs in demonic!

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If ur gonna do mythics too, I don’t suggest rogue just cuz there r times people want u to do skips and it’s nerve-wracking
I vote bm hunter

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50%. It’s a 50% DPS loss for DPS Druid to choose ANY other Covenant other than NF.

The “balance team” should be ashamed. What a joke.

Already have both, ridiculously low skill floor but the massive utility adds some thinking. We do not like thinking in this thread tyvm.

oh no thinking?

destro warlock.

all i do is face roll in PVE and face tank in PVP.

easy peasy.

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“rogue, use shroud on this section”

I haven’t ran mythics this expansion but it was never a difficult thing to do. Back in BFA I would tell the group lead at the start of the run to call out when to use it, just so he/she don’t waste time having to stop and ask. And the WA countdown really helps to let the group know when it’s about to expire.

I’m more nervous about interrupts since, even when you assign targets, you still have players making mistakes.

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Well I was just speaking for a lazy standpoint too n it seems like effort
(Compared to bm)

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Demon Hunter is super fun jumping and gliding in the open world. For leveling I felt like BM Hunter was cheat mode - but still very fun.

As someone whos mained holy priest offspec spriest to a barely competent lvl and dabbled in frost’ acrane affliction

Affliction is awesome with legendary malefic rapture refreshes dots and u just pump and burn hard with lots of dotted enemies. U might need to refresh. Rarely tho. And maybe just to clean up. Build shards. There’s like two abilities or affects to keep going. Like haunt on a priority target or u just spam fear into ur rotation vs a mob like scalebinders in gambit. U sac dps but are a hero.

Sometimes movement can be really punishing. U won’t top the charts in trivial content cuz u just don’t have the burst… I always found myself picking up the slack on big sustain fights tho. It’s the easiest mechanically to play. It’s not crazy apm.

Spriest is nutz. Every single second of GCD missed u best be tapping keys as fast as possible because u can’t queue spells fast enough.

GCD should be hardcoded at 200ms and never decrease from haste imho.

I think in the end tho. Just play what u enjoy. Find most aesthetic. Speeks to ur heart or soul. Even if u don’t play it all that well. If you want to be the best. Fotm. Be that. If u enjoy arcane. Be arcane)

Hope this helps.