Absolute easiest spec atm?

4 buttons (with 2 cooldowns) to do great damage with little effort.

Compared to many other classes that take much more setup and timing AND buttons.

Sure I have a lot of keybinds on my hunter as well, but to just go out in the world and play the game, I just have to hit barbed shot, and then decide whether I need to hit multi shot or cobra shot and then kill command on cooldown and kill shot when it procs.

You’re not building up combo points, waiting for necessary procs, timing a fireball so that just as the end of the cast you’re hitting fireblast followed immediately by another button, and god forbid you have to move. ETc Etc etc.

So sure, 4 buttons is hyperbole. But It’s the easiest spec in the game to play well with the least effort. And I’m not downtalking it. I love that about BM. I hate all the complicated crap some classes have to do.

BM is the place to go if you want to enjoy wow with as little frustration as possible.

You’re already playing a balance druid you should probably play a hard spec for your alt

+War Mode
+Random BGs (when you want to smash heads)
+Run Chromie Time intros where you only/mainly see your own faction - Pandaria / Draenor / Legion (when you want to be left alone)

That’s what I did for this guy, and it was the fastest I think I’ve ever leveled:

People that think druid is easy are the ones that never use utility and then wonder why everyone leaves their keys.


If it has a cast time, it’s a cooldown.

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That’s ridiculously false.

Hunters, always hunters. Ranged but having no cast times to worry about, can move a lot. Has pet too if you want that. Easy.

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Nothing beats BM in terms of ease of use, 0 movement penalties, ranged, core rotation is 3 buttons, maintain 1 dot, use kill command on cd, don’t cap focus with cobra shot

Replace cobra shot with multishot for aoe

It’s actually strange when you first try the spec having half your core keybinds not being used


Play with yourself, that’s like two buttons max then you take nap.

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Furry by far as you will get no invites…

BM 2n as then you just get kicked once they realize your not marksman (but it is a face roll to play… i love it)

Frost DK sucks… cant see your toon in all the dam shaders

DH - trapped in an elves body, and at some point youll get burnt out in the total mobility and op-ness

Frost Mage… hummmm

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wdym?! I get plenty of invites as a Furry!

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BM hunter for easy and have your own tank all the time.

Havoc for easy and awesome mobility.

BM will have it easier with the healing, but Havoc can heal with the little orbs when they spawn… sometimes iffy on long fights.

Those orbs spawn in combat? I thought it was only when you got a kill.

I’d like to know the same thing, but specifically for tank and heal specs. Like what specs do you play if you don’t care about “interesting” 4D chess sort of gameplay and just want specs that lend themselves to being consistently great at their particular roles.

They can… rare, but can. Also my DH pulls in small adds to kill for the orbs.

For the orbs spawning in combat, I had Demonic Appetite selected while leveling for the Lesser Soul Fragments. The regular soul fragments heal for 20% and the lessers heal for 10%… both give 30 fury. Once I changed to Blind Fury, I lost out of the lessers, but of course the dps is much better.

Lies, who uses utility when it eats up GCDs for pewpewpewing. Most of it probably isn’t on your average ret’s action bars

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Bro your parse average on the TWO mythic bosses you’ve killed is 35%. That’s actually abysmal especially on a joke of a melee class like ret.
your brain couldn’t comprehend complicated class design for dps if it hit you in the face.
If it could you wouldn’t be a green parser.

Hop on any of the 3 warlock specs and try to get higher than a blue parse, then MAYBE you can have an opinion

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Havoc and Fury.
Fury press shiny buttons.
Havoc press like… 2 buttons then 1 spender.

BM Hunter you need to keep up that buff or w/e and which lazy person wants to do that.

I main a BM hunter, it’s pretty easy imo.

Arcane mage is must easier than frost in my opinion. BM Hunter is super easy. Also some tank specs are super easy. Unholy DH is also easy. Paladin is easy and has utility.