nah, the devs need to undo the nerfs they made early in the expac.
Unholy is in a good spot, it’s a skill issue.
you played prot in RSS to 1800, don’t go telling others to not play tank.
They all know I meme as prot, but I don’t complain if I lose with it I know it sucks.
You’re complaining about blood not being viable like the other two specs while also saying Unholy needs buffs when it’s a top 3 melee spec atm.
It’s classic user error.
What does this mean
likely story, im playing blood because unholy and frost are useless atm. who cares that CS can hit for 250k, so does deathstrike for blood and blood doesn’t flop like a fish to pressure.
unholy needs the right buffs, the devs keep giving the wrong ones.
He’s trying to attack me by telling him to play the other specs because I meme as prot.
they are as useful in a bg as your glad titles kennie.
People follow you across the bg and remember you years later because you’re Unholy?
yes, they’re in this thread too.
because i beat them in game. a lot.
I originally qd prot so another user here would stop humble bragging constantly back in season 1; shuffle is a meme bracket to me I have 2 r1 titles as prot from it that I don’t even wear I could care less about it.
Both are far superior to blood.
Unholy is a top tier spec atm; user error.
Unholy doesn’t need buffs you need to change your talents to be the correct ones & work on your rotations defensively & offensively.
At least they listened to me about itemizing out of vers and not gemming it in every slot.
What a dishonest post, this kinda reeks of a tank wanting to do absurd things in epic bgs, gross epic bgs… Tank player meme lol
you are including frost in that. frost is only good for looking stylish in town with LK mogs, you don’t actually play it, at least not without crying.
nope, my mage and boomkin and warrior friends all beat me in dps in bgs. not top tier if we aren’t even the king of AoE.
but also, armor and DS nerfs need to be reverted.
let me tell you about the wonders of reanimation…
VP does an average of 9.9k damage per tick against targets with ~1.5m hp.
How very dastardly.
Frost is still better than Blood lol.
No tank is ‘good’ or even ‘ok’ in PvP atm.
This is the arena forums my man.
Regardless, that’s also still a user issue, grab Amatox & have him go into a wsg with you I bet he beats them np.
same DPS, blood doesn’t randomly flop to cleave damage.
IMO its an issue endemic to all of PVP, classes are designed around M+ now with tons of CC and short burst cycles with fast ramp up. the result is that in theory if we had targets that don’t die like dummies, unholy can do top damage, but in reality targets don’t last long enough for unholy to build any meaningfull damage.
even then, the dot build no longer has the steam it once had that dominated bgs for expansions, its like a paper tiger, all pad no threat. the only viable build is the CS wound ret wannabe playstyle which doesn’t work well in larger team fights. but thats not even the biggest issue, the biggest issue is still the armor nerf and DS nerf requiring dps dks to play a kiting style like a old school hunter anytime they need to play defensively and this just isn’t fun, especially as the slowest class in the game. DK is supposed to be an in your face brawler, not a hide behind your healer because you take more damage than clothie, and have no special niche anymore with warrior having a better toolkit overall and ret having the same 25 yard hybrid range for more of their toolkit while also having better and stronger defensives and self healing.
because you play a tank in random battlegrounds