Absent Class Tuning

i’ve literally been playing the sangination build all season. if you can’t get a foot in on the HP bars, you won’t be getting any kills.

unholy are you blind? assa unholy SP unholy demo unholy even boomkin unholy TSG works with frost and unholy unholy dev

all of that is relying on the partner.

so doing 140-150k dps is relying on ur partner? also can play unholy dh all the comps i listed are being played 2400+

dk is rank 3 and 6 on the ladder right now


Blood is easy to not do a ton of damage on if you’re spending too much times on chains, dnd and gripping but I imagine that’s not what’s happening here

I mean the spec isn’t Fury

when your partner is going 250k dps and the dps on the other team are both doing 250k dps, then yeah.

DK isn’t about DPS though, its about a specific stack of CDs to achieve a peak damage output for a brief kill window. with unholy in particular, that requires a specific sequence of a lot of spells that can get easily disrupted by CC. disrupt that sequence and DK flops.

Unh is a tornado of damage what



This has to be trolling, uhdk is easily the highest dps spec atm.

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blood builds damage based on how much HP is missing from the target. if you are playing with a weak partner and they can’t bring a target below 50%, then you aren’t going to be able to ramp up any pressure or reach kill level damage with DS.

army, gets rooted.

slappyhands, get cc’d.

unholy assault, get cc’d.

apoc, gets rooted.

yeah, if you can get your damage out with a good sequence, you will do monster damage, but most good players know how to counter unholy, our gameplay style hasn’t really changed all that much in several expansions and they keep nerfing it. necrotic wound replaced necrotic strike, we lost abomb, most of our spells have 50% pvp nerf modifiers.

and don’t forget our main defensive play is self healing through deathstrike which is nerfed 50% before dampening even starts.

No honestly this happens at the end of every expansion i swear . leaving the broken broken until next expansion.


the most broken thing atm isn’t even in arenas, its MM Hunter in BGs.

dk damage is literally unavoidable but xd

the dots maybe, but they tickle, 9.9k per tick.

DK is one of the most CCable classes in the game, vulnerable to both disarm and silence. and, not or.

Yeah, I’m aware.

Similar thing with most specs. Gotta try to find an opening somehow.

I guess that’s one way to think about it.

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using disarm for dk is a waste of a pvp talent xd

not if you use it at the right time. and its basically required to take on blood.

its good into like frost dk cuz they actually kill with melee attacks


the spec so bad i forget it exists.

Is it fun tho? I’ve been considering making a fdk.

not really, it has all the weaknesses of unholy while doing about the same damage as blood. but they do have talent overhauls in the works for the next expac.