Absent Class Tuning

I feel like it’s kind of troll for most comps to go Blood.

If you’re content running between goes, probably.

You guys are still playing retail? I been on remix goin hard


I got some heroic raids to clear today aint got no time for abandoned arena

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At the very least, Blizzard needs to address the PvE gear

PvP gear should always be BIS for PvP. Right now PvP ilvl needs to surpass 535 and the PvE procs shouldn’t work in PvP.

Additionally, it wouldn’t hurt them to do numbers tuning even if they aren’t about to change spec mechanics.

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Get a load of this axelet.

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i mean, it has a legit go, comp, and working theory for 3v3, kinda means its not really troll. certainly less so than taking a prot warrior or paladin into arena.



Gonna be hype if they do lol. I think warrior still has several thousand pvp changes hamstringing it from old expansions

Im not going to go through all the posts you made on this thread and point out why youre wrong, but you are extremely wrong.

UhDk is literally the highest dps spec in the game in every practical setting. It also can basically guarantee its go between ams, gripy hands, chains, 2x 40 yd grips, and a stun.

I am not flaming or shaming you with this, but you have a severely negative winrate at below-average mmr. That means you do not know what you are doing while you are playing the game. You would benefit significantly more by asking questions than trying to say that your class is weak on the forums.

And before you say anything about bias, I’m multiglad xp on dk as frost and unholy. This isn’t a brag, this isnt a flex, this is a case of you needing to learn how to play and that’s perfectly okay.


if you had you would have learned i have been playing blood all season, making the rest of your attempt at a rating shame irrelevant. im glad you’re a multiglad, but you sound exactly like the kind of player i would slap around in a bg a few times before you afk out of shame.

gotta add those qualifiers don’t ya? i mean, you can go on the dummy and do some mad dps, but a dummy doesn’t fight back. and the biggest DPS isn’t what makes a class viable or not.

dps DK has issues with survivability, every DK worth their salt knows it, but here you are going on about its damage, you can’t do big damage if you are dead.

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Experience or lack thereof is relevant.

Are EBG players real


too many wintergrasps drove us all insane a while back i think

nah, blood in arena is interesting, especially RSS, you take extra losses because some people on your team just don’t bother trying when they get paired with a tank.

This isn’t really that prevalent of a thing.

i watched a rogue play like a pro till he got paired with me, he walked out unstealthed.



/raisesHand and /clearsThroat

I know the answer to the question: Are EBG players real?

They are in fact real!

Alrighty, glad to get that fixed.

What’s this thread about anyway?

Genuine question, how old are you

I wasn’t rating shaming you, man. I don’t do that. You have a lot to learn and that’s totally okay. YOU were the person who said, “DK any spec” and even talked about unholy, which is something youve played in dragonflight as well.

You also tried to use virulent plague snapshotting as a means of saying that UhDk does low damage as though thet cant just press UA into apoc and do upwards of 600k damage in those two globals.

You complained that DK is somehow the easiest class to CC which sinply isn’t true as ams makes you more-or-less immune to everything but disarm and even then you have several tools to utilitze to prevent that OR you can just refresh chains/dots and press coil.

You playing blood has no impact on this, and even then you are still losing more games than you win against players who are below average mmr. There are a lot of things that you’re doing wrong, and you dont understand what you’re saying because if you realized what your mistakes were then you wouldn’t be making them.

I’m hero XP too and that’s even more of a meme bracket.

In every practical setting; i.e. in the arena. Dk is always topping damage. Yes, damage isn’t the only thing that matters, but DK has an insane amount of utility as well. Further, really no class has survivability issues atm with how slow the meta is. Thats like saying that boomy has survivability issues because it has lower self healing; it’s insane in the current state of the game.


My account expires the 31st.

I gave them two reasons for quitting. These things could be addressed in a single day:

  1. Premades in BGs that are supposed to be random
  2. Hunters not being addressed with a few small hotfix nerfs.

Fix those two things and I’ll resub.

You know why you should come back and resub, Bedroom. I’m gonna tell ya right here and now.

Make a Vulpera. Don’t matter what class. Get to 70 asap. Q for some epic bgs. At some point you’ll end up in an IoC with your back against the wall (it’s happened a lot today on Xazzi, me Horde shaman). Get in the canons on the towers while the Alliance are bunched up and blow em up. For every Alliance that dies to your canons, type “hehe” in /say.

You will laugh (in game) exactly like the racoon thingy in Guardians of the Galazy (while in a cannon blowing things up). THAT right there is worth 15/month.

Balance don’t much matter if you are having fun, even against a premade or whatever friggin flavour of the day that has ‘the PvP’ers’ up in arms.

And there ya go.


then why bring up rating at all?


not everyone wants to play the melee wound build. there is also supposed to be a fully viable dot build and fully viable pet build in unholy. there is a reason it gets treated like its own subclass. don’t forget that it’s also supposed to be an unkillable juggernaut all the time, not just the tail end of S4 with 50% versa.

and the lack of dot snapshotting is a damage loss because you may only have peak AP for a few seconds while your buffs and procs overlap. snapshotting also adds a skill element because you need to track your snapshots and not just press buttons on rotation without thought.

most CCable is not the same as easiest to cc. DK is vulnerable to both silence and disarm while most classes its one or the other. and technically, we also take a double hit from mortal strike because proper play a DK uses his defensives to prevent CC and his DS as a defensive.

yeah it does.

ie, only the places you want to matter for argument’s sake, you can’t say DK tops meters everywhere because it doesn’t.

i just told you, dps dk does. the combination of DS nerfs, armor nerfs, and loss of a few spells mechanically has left them in a bad state, sure, you can go mongo some wins by pressing army, but isn’t the same as outplaying someone in a calculated exchange of cooldowns to see who breaks under pressure first. the current meta is some of the most PVE faceroll gameplay in years, and that goes for more than just DK.