Absent Class Tuning

holycow does because they’re still dumb enough to keep replying despite the ignore. they also forum stalk.

Back on topic on why there is no class tuning, Everyone is max geared now. Should be some tuning considering War Within is still months away


It’s pretty much expected by this point. Last season of Shadowlands was infinitely worse tho.

Well, I’ve got to say. I used to think you were just a bad player who cheated to win against other bad players and found bragging about it cringe, but now that I know you’re just crazy I find you far more interesting.


Damn is that you Amyrii? That you playa?

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Young man woke up this morning and cranked the Monstars Theme to full volume.

I :heart: holycow


I usually skip out on threads with this many replies but not this time, I’ve read every single comment in here thanks for this guys :joy:

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Are you kidding?! This was the most entertaining thread since the last Brox one!

Im pretty sure that was exactly what was said at the time. There were some obvious caveat exceptions like evoker and warlock which, at the time, hadnt received compensatory adjustments relative to the rest of their kit. However, I think everyone was more surprised not that the change happened, but when it happened in the middle of the season when there were more pressing balance concerns at the time (i.e. dh and destro lock).

I really don’t think this is true either. However, there’s nothing wrong with changing an opinion based on new information, whether it’s a new season or just a meta shift!


I totally agree, and I know that they’re different teams, but it’s wild to see a news article about nerfing frog farmers before nerfing cyclone :*(

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Oh my…


No way bro logged onto his classic alt to run damage control :skull:

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Erotic Battlegrounds?

Where do I sign up?

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mg gold shire inn

The last round of clawing shadows nerfs were undone. DoT’s being poor because our /global (SS/Clawing and Coil) damage is actually pretty good.

The real issue is Necrotic Strike still being nerfed. Don’t ever expect to generate serious rot from diseases as long as it is where it is. The lower tuned dots are, the higher tuned Necrotic would have to be to make them threatening and vice versa.

Razial from the DK forums btw. Dropped DK b/c the rot is just better on spriest/assassination. Unholy is good in its niche, but it can be shut down easy too.

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Damage is too high across the board really. Many specs like havoc, boomy, ret, MM and others are dealing absurd amounts all while being tanky (minus MM hunter there). There are specs doing way too much self healing and having too much defensive power.

Actually the health is too high across the board. The game is pretty slow right now, especially when wizards are involved.

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class tuning is no longer absent.

funniest thing I’ve read so far on the forums

There’s nothing frustrating about it just stop arguing lol.