Absent Class Tuning

Inemia, how can I come along to these BGs, I want some hks

i was referring to stats on playtime. 13k hks vs 800k hks.

the armor bug is old, but you still see people bring it up, most recently people were talking about DK on reddit and mentioned how DK takes so much damage and how they get their biggest numbers on things like execute and aimed shot on DKs. if armor is standardized by ilvl and then all plate gets the same nerf, then DK should take the same damage as warrior and paladin, and they do relative total HP, but DKs have more HP, meaning they take more damage than they should.

nah, same people play the same brackets every season. some play the same toons/class, some play the FOTM, but you will always find the R1s around R1 and the heros around hero regardless of class balance. Petkick is quite famous for sticking it out even in bad seasons and still making top 10. this fact tends to skew results when trying to use top ladder representation as a indicator of class capability or balance.

even he and everyone said the class was fine, blizz still had to come in and give buffs. and this isn’t even a one time thing, its about a once or twice per expansion thing at this rate.

Join an epic community, if you want to get into BSG, you can join our feeder comm Space Goat Academy, just search for it in community finder.

Lol yeah a spec doesn’t show up in the grand finals and win if it’s not good. But nope it’s bad apparently.

Inemia is completely incapable of having a rational argument though so I wouldn’t bother. I used to not mind them as they had some decent takes sometimes… But definitely zero ability to actually look at things objectively and change an opinion, even when blatantly wrong.


Guys one time i beat a blizzcon champ in a 2s match who was drunk playing with viewers. Clearly according to Inemia’s logic this makes me blizzcon ready. Look forward to seeing me at the next AWC!!! Because if you kill an mglad in a 1v1 in a bg youre as good as them!!


Hi guys, what’s going on in here?

Feeding a troll, day that ends in y


Ignore Inemia guys, hes a epic bg players who has no rated experience at all. everything he has experience in is inside a bg. He thinks displacers goes takes big skill

Well, I am tickled pink to see this thread continues.

It’s like Days of Our (Arena) Lives.

But, not quite as well written.


You can never get battlecruiser with wow numbers. This man knows every modifier in game!

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I was facing an av premade the other day, but I’m very good at sneaking out of gy farms. While my team was getting farmed for 20mins I went to try and gate to the back of the alliance base. I used to do it easily back in the day but it looked like blizzard patch up the openings on the hills. But since I was bored and didn’t want get leave and get deserter I messed around with my gateway and found a new secret way to sneak into the back and just kept assaulting their base. Of course they would send 10 people to come take me out. I had a little fun though, you can’t outsmart me blizzard!


Ive been messing with a new prot war build i made myself around the tier set. The dmg is nasty

Oh, ye? :eyes:

Btag me, ill show you. Its pretty consistently top dmg (esp when everyone else perma demoralized). Short dragon roar and even shorter with tier CDR. Just sucks tanks get no mmr lol. Stuck in the rat leagues and cant get out when my arms would just delete people lol

yep been runnin this, not sure why you wouldn’t with tier.

Do you play prot? I need a senpai. Its too much fun

Well, being on the receiving end of angry prot warrior isn’t a ton of fun in my experience.

The damage with the build im running is shocking frankly lol

you need a forum break

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that’s not what you said at the time.

you arena forum people constantly flip flop.