About the LGBT thread

its a stage thing when pretentious egotistical high school speakers go to show off how cool they are or how cool their life is

show and tell for adults

The whole point of the other thread was about LGBT representation in wow. Whats wrong with that? I challenge you to tell me whats wrong with it. If its not political enough, how about political groups coming together to flag bomb a thread which is whats happening to this one.

Ps. Kind of proves my point.

It is actually. Or at least they have made it so. If you don’t realize that then you have blinders on.

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Yes they have made it so. Its not just false flagging but people going into threads to start trouble and shut down them. Its textbook stuff and they will do the same to this thread. Their victory will be when its finally shut down. It will prove my point and show the inherent problem.

Has anyone ever received any kind of discipline regarding abuse of the flag?


One would imagine that, given the degree of loudmouthiness hereabouts, someone would have said something.

But I am inclined to think that the proscription against misuse of the flag has all the teeth of a PBJ sandwich.

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This thread is devolving in a similar fashion as the last one.


Its really not and it definitely shouldn’t. But it does have an expiration date. How it dies will tell much about the forum community. Sides will be chosen. Even if you do not choose you have still made a choice.

I think you are the one with “blinders”.

The only people making LGBT ‘political’ are the bigots who can’t understand people different from them exist too. What people do with their own lives or their bodies should never be part of politics. Being born is not a political stance.


About the BBQ thread…

Sexual orientation is not politics, and it is present in the game. In fact every single character in WoW universe is either alone or has/had a heterosexual relationship.

I can see why gay players could get upset. Their sexual orientation is indirectly treated as something rare or not worth showing.


I have changed my original post. Feel free to continue peaceful discussion in the thread. Once the other thread comes back up, leave this one to be auto locked.

You assume randos on the internet actually have philosophy degrees. Or that they would actually prove any philosophical merit, considering the abominable echo chamber American academia is. “Philosophy” is actively suppressed to conform with the hive. :upside_down_face:


I don’t think the opposition to this is really “We don’t like LGBT people.” Some do, some don’t, but that isn’t the source of the opposition.

It’s more “Write characters with interesting arcs, not walking-talking sexual preference stand ins.”

Less “we don’t like your politics”, more “keep all politics out of this”.


Isn’t the other thread still around? It only got a 24 hour lock and I think that got lifted.

It has been locked thrice now. Some very angry person is goin’ all out trying to censor speech over there! Hah.

But yeah, the issue comes down to the fact that we have a double standard where it’s fine to have straight relationships all over the place, but if someone wants to go on a quest to save a man and his husband’s farm instead of a man and his wife’s for once, that’s “forced diversity/politics/the bad thing”.



If Blizzard simply put that quest in the game, no one would seriously care.

But Blizzard wouldn’t do that. They’d release the quest, then issue a press release to IGN showing how inclusive they were… except the quest would be a token fetch quest (and probably bugged). Then, when someone pointed out the quest was a bugged PR move, Blizzard would censor them for being anti-LGBT.

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This political correctness has been an issue that has ruined a lot of stuff…

Keep politics out of the game


The fact that we can’t even have a thread about this without people trying to heckle the idea into submission and false flagging the thread when they don’t get their way does kind of suggest that people would, in fact, seriously care.

There’s a person below you ignoring my point completely and doing exactly what I described as the problem.

Can you imagine for a moment if the Val’shara Tyrande x Malfurion questline was an LGBT questline for a moment? I garauntee you with no other changes, we’d get weird people throwing a tantrum over it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not Rockwell, so I can’t speak for him, but I think you’re missing the point.

To wit:

Malfurion and Tyrande have been an item since 2002, in Warcraft 3.


  1. Either Tyrande and Malfurion are actually the name of two males/females, in which case they would have been since Warcraft 3… and nobody would have cared about one saving the other in Val’sharah, 15 years later…
  2. Or, Tyrande or Malfurion ditch the other for a nelf of the same gender, and chase them all over Val’sharah… in which case, people are going to be rightfully pissed that Blizzard broke up a couple who’s relationship has repeatedly been essential to the lore, on and off “screen” in order to create an LGBT partnership.

And herein lies the problem. You are starting with a supposition (“They just don’t like the gays!”) and reading that into the statement and actions of others. You are projecting that on them. The example you provided would have required you to got back in time, or fundamentally alter a core piece of the lore, and instead of assuming people wouldn’t want that specific change, you are assuming that it just has to be about some kind of bigotry.


Haha wow… you can’t process a hypothetical where malfurion or tyrande have a different gender.

No words for you