About the LGBT thread

Okay so why are you comparing it? I’m not here trying to rank misery bro

Why is the Moderator letting this thread continue lol? These threads do nothing but devolve into a royal homophobic/political cesspit, which the forums get enough of already. :thinking:

Because they’re attempting to value freedom of speech? Not sure why some of the forum feels entitled to shut down threads they don’t like.

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I’m still not convinced it is one side that keeps causing the system to auto-lock the thread. I’ve skimmed through it and seen posts that are opposed to the thread’s topic hidden/buried. No way to tell to what degree which side is reporting at what rate, but I highly doubt it is just one group.

Also could view the buried posts as people in favor of the thread trying to shut out the opposition. There’s people on this forum who think that they can win the debate by getting the other posters suspended if they disagree with them.

End of the day, there’s no winners and everybody is more miserable/annoyed.

Cancel culture. Like reddit, twitter, YouTube…


A lot of it is simply because people know they can get away with it considering how wonky the moderation is


The other thread has been locked several times before anyone could even post. If a moderator reviewed the thread and dealt with the reports from the first lock, which they appear to have done multiple times, why would it get locked shortly after being opened again unless someone was coordinating mass flags whenever it got unlocked? :thinking:

My suspicion is that it’s just a group of friends in a Discord server that have agreed they don’t like the thread and are keeping an eye on it and pinging each other out of sheer spite to go flag stuff whenever it comes back up and they notice. But that’s just speculation based on what would make sense to me.

Oh, yeah… I get you. I do think that forum suspensions are an appropriate punishment… for people who abuse the flagging system. On either side, of course. Personally I prefer to just let someone know if I see a CoC violation so that they can potentially edit it out. Not my style to try getting someone suspended unless it’s hella egregious.

Oh, I’ve actually seen this. The reason why families don’t, is because they’ve always known you. So the “tells” that strangers might pick up on, such as the stereotypical “accent” or being effeminate, are things that family members miss.

Like you or I would know someone, figure out in ten seconds that they were not straight, and be amazed when someone in their family wondered when they were going to meet a nice girl. It is so close to their family that they have blinders on.

It is kind of funny, this guy at work has the “stereotypical voice” you associate with not being straight; He IS straight, though. So at sometime after you know him, with people just assuming, he might say “I’m NOT gay!” He said that once to me, then I said, “It is OK, you don’t have to be gay! Take it easy, man!”

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It’s just interesting how I’ve never instinctually had that voice. I guess I can only speak from my personal experience though, but I don’t see where it begins to happen.

Hold on I wanna test something

Ay yo Xinat you around?

Hm they might be busy. Turns out we’re in a discord together XD

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I’m not completely familiar with how the system works but I have been suspecting that what is happening is even while the thread is locked, reports are still coming in and the moderators are just addressing reports as they’re filed so they’ll clear some of the posts in a thread of reports but before the lockout period has happened or after or something but more reports come in while the thread is locked.

Remember, a lot more people browse the forums than actually post so we don’t know what they’re thinking. Like I said, there’s posts opposed to the thread that are buried so there’s people who are in favor of the thread who are reporting those opposing it.

It’s like I said before, it’s like any hot topic, tempers will flare and people will lash out any way they can on both sides.

I remember one thread I followed some time ago where it eventually became perpetually locked and started locking for 3 days at a time and would instantly go from lock to lock without any time passing between the unlock and lock.

I suppose the flagging system could just be really dysfunctional like that… There I go, assuming the best from Blizzard again. If it really is broken like that though, at least that means it’ll probably get addressed with a forum update …eventually. Maybe.

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I doubt that’s really possible, we pour some of our identities and ideologies into our internet personas and an MMORPG is the perfect horrific vessel for this.

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The flagging abuse in that other thread will hopefully get something about these forums changed.

As for keeping “real life” out of games, way too late for that.
Games are full of references to real life. Just like literally every other form of media has been during recorded civilization.

WoW constantly touches on modern issues as well as ones in our not so distant and very questionable past.
Things like slavery, racism, sexism, morality, mortality, politics and almost anything else you can think of.
Fantasy and Sci-fi writers have been doing it for forever too.
Comic books are another prime example. The X-Men is just a story about racism and fighting for acceptance but with mutants instead of people of color.


I was pointing out early on there are already gay couples in this game.
However attitudes of players like you have since convinced me this game needs more obvious gay representation to counter bigotry.

Many white people also - eventually - became horrified with slavery and fought to stop it - and it has stopped. Blacks in America still suffer discrimination, but they are no longer enslaved on the cotton fields.

Gays are not only suffering discrimination throughout not only America, but most of the world, encouraged by Christianity, as the Bible says they should be killed. In many countries, as I have already pointed out in this thread, they can suffer the death penalty merely for being gay.

I have a gay friend in Singapore, which has severe whippings as punishment for being gay, and two of his gay friends have been whipped to death in the last 10 years.

For you to say I’m comparing “not having fictional characters in a video game to the enslavement of 13 million people” is so dishonest, I know longer trust the veracity of anything you write.

If you don’t see yourself as a victim, why are you arguing that gays should not have representation because “your people” have it so much worse?


He’s not. He’s saying that they already exist in the game and that it’s pointless to argue for inclusion of something that’s already included.
In fact you quoted exactly that from him in your response:


Despite any adversities I might have faced in my life time, I’ve lived a relatively good life. I come from a two parent home, finished high school and university with a 4.0, landed a good job in my field of study and purchased my own house when most people my age are living with their parents still.

I don’t consider my life unlivable because digital pixels don’t look exactly like me.

there are plenty of fantasy mediums that don’t have people of color, LOTR for example, and I still enjoy them. I don’t need to be front and center to feel needed or appreciated. I can respect the fact that there are 87% more people of different ethnicity than I am, and it makes sense that I there aren’t that many people who look like me in these types of games/genre.

As far as why I had to school you and bring you back into reality… when I gave an example of true hatred, prejudice and malice which exists in my world (my memory of the tree in the back of my grandma’s yard), immediately you and others felt the need to try to compare the experience African Americans had to what the LGBTQ community experiences…and again, the comparison fell flat and about 300 miles short.

You have to understand that even though in other parts of the world the LGBTQ community may be under threat, YOU get to type here complaining about a video game that already has characters that represent you. If anything, the experiences you are referenced should make you ashamed for even complaining about something so insignificant. You don’t have to trust anything I write, because it is obvious you can’t even face reality.


To be fair, it was you who brought up your experiences to try and invalidate the experiences of others.

I don’t think anyone was previously trying to compare the two.


There was nothing to “invalidate”, except people crying for hours at a time about nothing, and trying to make it sound as if the community was some how torturing them or abusing them, when it was not the case. You can pretend to be a “victim” in an online thread, but there are real people suffering (and those who have suffered) who wouldn’t look kindly upon you wasting your energy and protests on something as useless as this.


It’s so nice to hear about your happy life, while seeing you insult and demean people who just want to make small changes in society to help stop gays being murdered throughout the world.

Other people helped blacks end slavery, but you want to use the fact that blacks were enslaved to prevent another group who is suffering from working gently toward bettering life for gays?

Shame on you.