About the LGBT thread

One has to wonder how strangers figure out before your family who lives/lived with you does.

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You keep saying people are crying about this and that but you might have the answer in your own thread. If you knew what this was, that would actually be great for both of us. But your ego blinds you.

Yes, my ego of being logical, realistic, and actually taking the time to research the topic being discussed. This is not helping anyone. It is bringing out the worst in the community for something that is already there and it is a pointless debate.

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It is but why is it pointless?

I can’t help you if you cant interpret the sentence, “there are already LGBTQ characters in the game”.


B-but… they’re not important characters! :upside_down_face:

We are a small part of the population, is it not okay that it’s reflected the same way in every other perception?

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I can’t help you if you don’t know why no one realizes this.

I realized it and I’m half asleep.
All you have to do is read the sentence as a whole, as it was written, to pick it up.


Frankly as a gay dude I simply don’t see the necessity to have random token characters written in for “muh inclusion.” It’s actually a rather insulting idea to me. :man_shrugging:


I have already pointed out statistics and the small number of lead characters to begin with. Logic and reason no longer exist here.


You realize you’re in General Discussion, yeah? Logic never existed here.


LOL I think you might be right. I’ll let you guys handle it.

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You shouldn’t be able to walk into a room and immediately tell the sexual preference of everyone there.


Nothing else for me to handle really. All I have to say on the subject is that token characters don’t represent me, the “community” is not some political hivemind as some wish it to be, and I need to sleep and/or drink a cuppa.

As an aside, LGBT History Month is observed in the U.S. in October. LGBT Pride Month is celebrated in June.

February’s month-long observances include Black History Month, American Heart Month, National Bird-feeding Month, and National Children’s Dental Health Month, to name a few.

Perhaps next year, we can lobby Blizzard to introduce a quest to teach the Stormwind orphans proper flossing technique.

Ooo, yes! YES!

I don’t know, I’m rather partial to the idea of getting a bag of feed and wiling away the hours feeding birds from a park bench in the Cathedral District.

Fascinating considering Jim Henson’s daughter, Lisa Henson, had the Jim Henson Company pull out of a deal with Chick-Fil-A over their stance on gay marriage some years ago. I think she would know her father pretty well. All the money they made went to GLAAD. :rainbow_flag:

Good for you. I wish more people could have that life but that’s simply not the case. Last December a father abandoned his child at a closed police department because he thought his son might be gay… We are talking a preteen. So yea. We need to keep doing something because @$#% like that happens.

btw, LGBTQ pride month is June in order to celebrate the Stonewall riot.


What in the world can you say to someone to convince them from being that insane? Nothing. That means it’s pointless. Everyone remotely normal knows that’s not okay in the first place, no work needs to be done. There will always be straight up crazy people.

The only way to solve something like that is awareness of mental health.

If he was to be abandoned by the police, that’s when you might have a point.

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